Cluster-Aware Updating Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell® est un interpréteur en ligne de commande et un langage de script basé sur des tâches, conçu spécialement pour l’administration système. Cette rubrique de référence pour les informaticiens fournit une assistance sur l’utilisation des applets de commande Windows PowerShell pour écrire des scripts et automatiser des tâches.

Cluster-Aware Updating

This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Cluster-Aware Updating-specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.

cmdlet Description


Adds the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role that provides the self-updating functionality to the specified cluster.


Suspends the self-updating functionality on the specified cluster.


Re-enables the self-updating functionality on the specified cluster.


Exports one or more Updating Run reports into an HTML or CSV-formatted document.


Retrieves configuration properties of the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role on the specified cluster.


Retrieves information about one or more software updating plug-ins that are registered on the local computer.


Retrieves the Updating Run reports for all known Updating Runs, or all Updating Runs that match the specified dates or other specified parameters.


Retrieves status information about an Updating Run currently in progress.


Performs a scan of cluster nodes for applicable updates and installs those updates via an Updating Run on the specified cluster.


Performs a scan of cluster nodes for applicable updates and returns a list of the initial set of updates that would be applied to each node in the specified cluster.


Registers a Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) software updating plug-in on the local computer.


Removes the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role from the specified cluster.


Saves Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) debug tracing information to a local zip file.


Sets configuration properties for the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role on the specified cluster.


Stops an Updating Run that is in progress on a cluster.


Tests whether a cluster is properly set up to apply software updates using Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU).


Removes a software updating plug-in from the list of plug-ins that are used by Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU).


To list all the cmdlets that are available, use the Get-Command –Module ClusterAwareUpdating cmdlet.

Pour plus d’informations sur les applets de commande ou leur syntaxe, utilisez l’applet de commande Get-Help <nom de l’applet de commande>, où <nom de l’applet de commande> est le nom de l’applet de commande que vous voulez rechercher. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez exécuter les applets de commande suivantes :

Get-Help <nom de l’applet de commande> -Detailed
Get-Help <nom de l’applet de commande> -Examples
Get-Help <nom de l’applet de commande> -Full

More Information

For more information about the cmdlets and Cluster-Aware Updating, see Cluster-Aware Updating in the Windows Server Library.