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Explosion (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Master planning > Common > Planned orders. On the Action Pane, on the View tab, click Explosion.


Click Production control > Common > Production orders > All production orders. On the Action Pane, on the View tab, click Explosion.


Click Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders. Select a sales order, and then click Edit. In the Sales order form, select a sales order line, and then click Product and supply > Explosion.


In the Actions, Futures messages Delayed purchases or Requirement profile forms, on the Action Pane, click Explosion.

Use this form to view the requirements explosion for the selected order line.

You might want to view an explosion in the following situations:

  • To view all levels of requirements that are calculated for the selected order line – This calculation occurs during master scheduling or forecast scheduling. You can view the specified item, any lower-level requirements, and the top-level requirement. You can also view detailed information that is related to each requirement, such as the proposed dates and quantities.

  • To calculate order promising dates from the Sales order form – The application runs master scheduling to calculate the futures date and action messages for the selected order line. When these calculations are complete, you can use the Explosion form to see all related levels of requirements for the item.

Tasks that use this form

Explode a sales order line

Run master scheduling

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View the requirements. The requirements that you can view depend on the filtering principle that you select.

Expand Pegging at the bottom of the form to trace the selected requirement. The pegging line shows either the source of the requirement or the transaction that fulfills the requirement. Any outstanding requirements are displayed in bold type. When they are fulfilled, the requirements are displayed in regular type.


View a graphical display of the requirements schedule.


View the details of the action messages.

Critical on-hand inventory

View the requirements and the corresponding projected inventory transactions that fulfill those requirements.


View details about the outcome of the explosion. You can search for a specific event by entering keywords in the Find text field.


Details are available only if tracing was enabled when the planned order was updated. For more information, see Explosion (form).


Upper pane



Transfer futures date

Update the requirement date with the futures date, if you opened the Explosion form from a sales order.


Update the view if you made changes to the data.


Explode a bill of materials (BOM). This might be necessary if you opened the Explosion form from a sales order, for example.


Configure the display of data in the Gantt chart.

Lower pane

The following buttons are available in the lower pane when the Overview tab is displayed.



Planned orders

View the planned orders and change their statuses.


Open the Requirement calculation of planned order %1 form, where you can calculate the planned order requirements.

Update line

Update the profile for the item with the latest data. This button is available for the selected line if there has been a change in the requirements profile for the item since the last time master scheduling was run.


This button is available only when you are working in the dynamic master plan.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Requirement profile – View the results of the latest master scheduling or forecast scheduling for the item.

  • Explosion – Open a second Explosion form for the selected item on the Overview tab.

  • Derived requirements – View the item component requirements for a BOM.

  • Route – View the operations that have been set up for the route that is attached to the planned production order.

  • Jobs – View a list of the individual jobs that are associated with the planned production order.

  • Capacity reservations – View the reserved capacity for the selected planned production order.


Open the On-hand form, where you can view the availability of the item for each inventory dimension.


Open the Setup form, where you can configure the tree structure to display on the Overview tab.





Select how to filter and display item requirements in the form. Select Up to display the source of the requirement. The source is typically an order transaction. Select Down to use a tree structure to display the item component requirements of a BOM.


The origin of the transfer.


The identifier of sales, purchases, productions, and other references in the Reference field that the line refers to.


Select an item configuration to specify an item that has specific attributes.


If you work with purchase orders and sales orders, you cannot change the item configuration when you have updated order transactions, such as registration, packing slip, and invoice updates.


Enter the site where you want to store the items.


Enter the warehouse where you want to store the items.

Batch number

Enter the batch number dimension. If you select Edit lines and Explode lines in the upper section of the Shipment or Receive form, you can change the batch number for the transfer order line.


The location of the item inside a warehouse. If you select Edit lines and Explode lines in the upper section of the Shipment or Receive form, you can change the location number for the transfer order line.

Pallet ID

The unique identifier for the pallet.

Serial number

The serial number dimension. If you select Edit lines and Explode lines in the upper section of the Shipment or Receive form, you can change the serial number for the transfer order line.

Requirement date

The requirement date for the current transaction. This includes the delivery date for the sales order, the planned ending date for the production order, and the forecast date for the forecast lines. The date is then adjusted by any safety margin.

Req. quantity

The total requirement quantity in the inventory unit that is attached to the transaction.

Requested date

The delivery date that the customer requested.


The level at which the line is included in the calculation. The highest level is 0 (zero), and typically indicates a finished product. Lower levels are often generic components that can be used to produce other products.

Coverage planned

The quantity of the material that will be used to satisfy the requirement. The system selects material that is on hand first, followed by expected receipts.

Item number

The item number for the current item.


The scheduled action that can be performed on the current item.

Action days

The number of days, positive or negative, that the transaction should be pushed forward or backward with regard to the futures messages.

Qty. change

The quantity of the item by which the transaction should be increased or decreased relative to the scheduled action.

Req. quantity

The amount of inventory that is available to cover the requirement. The inventory can be on hand or an expected receipt.

On-hand settled

The quantity that was settled by on-hand inventory.

Order settled

The quantity that was settled by current purchases, productions, and so on.

Planned order settled

The quantity that was settled by planned orders.


The number of days that items are delayed.

Physical inventory

The physical quantity that is available from the inventory.

Find text

Enter one or more keywords to search for in the explanation details.

See also

Master planning parameters (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).