

Gets information about the endorsement key and certificates of the TPM.


Parameter Set: Default
Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo [[-HashAlgorithm] <String> ] [ <CommonParameters>]

Description détaillée

The Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo cmdlet gets information about the endorsement public key and certificates of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).



Specifies the hash algorithm used for the public key. Les valeurs acceptables pour ce paramètre sont : Sha256.



Obligatoire ?


Position ?


Valeur par défaut


Accepter l’entrée de pipeline ?

True (ByValue)

Accepter les caractères génériques ?



Cette applet de commande prend en charge les paramètres courants : -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer et -OutVariable. Pour plus d’informations, consultez about_CommonParameters (


Le type d’entrée correspond au type des objets que vous pouvez transmettre à l’applet de commande.

  • String

    This accepts the name of the algorithm, as a string, used to hash the public key. Sha256 is the only supported algorithm.


Le type de sortie est le type des objets émis par l’applet de commande.

  • EndorsementKeyObject

    This cmdlet generates an EndorsementKeyObject that contains the following members:

    -- IsPresent. A Boolean that represents whether the endorsement public key is known to the operating system.
    -- PublicKey. An AsnEncodedData object that contains the asn.1 encoded public portion of the endorsement key.
    -- PublicKeyHash. The hash, as a String, of the public key if the cmdlet used a hash algorithm.
    -- ManufacturerCertificates. A X509Certificate2Collection object that contains the manufacturer endorsement key certificates. This object can contain the manufacturer and platform certificates.
    -- AdditionalCertificates. A X509Certificate2Collection object that contains a collection of additional endorsement key certificates that are registered to the operating system, such as any enterprise certificates.


Example 1: Get endorsement key information

This command gets information about the endorsement key of the TPM. The command uses the Sha256 algorithm to hash the public key.

PS C:\> Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo -Hash "Sha256"