This status indication is a notification that the NDIS_PD_CONFIG structure has changed.

A PacketDirect-capable miniport driver must make an NDIS_STATUS_PD_CURRENT_CONFIG status indication after an OID_PD_CLOSE_PROVIDER or OID_PD_OPEN_PROVIDER request.

The miniport driver calls NdisMIndicateStatusEx to make the status indication, and must pass a pointer to an NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure through the StatusIndication parameter. When making this indication, the miniport driver must set the following members of the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure:

  • SourceHandle must be set to the handle that the miniport received in the MiniportAdapterHandle parameter of the MiniportInitializeEx function.

  • StatusCode must be set to NDIS_STATUS_PD_CURRENT_CONFIG.

  • StatusBuffer must be set to the address of a ULONG variable, which stores the appropriate NDIS_STATUS_xxxx code for the result of the scan operation.

  • StatusBufferSize must be set to sizeof(ULONG).


Minimum supported client

Windows 10

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2016


Ndis.h (include Ndis.h)

See also

