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MSExchangeTransport 16027


Dernière rubrique modifiée : 2011-11-30

Cet article fournit une explication et d’éventuelles solutions en ce qui concerne un événement Exchange spécifique. Si vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez ici, essayez Aide d’Exchange 2010.


Product Name

Microsoft® Exchange

Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Exchange had to force the configuration update for %1 %2 time(s). This might indicate a problem with Active Directory notifications.


This Information event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service configuration has not received updates from the Active Directory directory service.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 uses an ESE database to store queued messages and configuration information, such as IP allow lists, IP block lists, and sender repudiation information. Configuration information for the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is stored in Active Directory on the Configuration/Services/Microsoft Exchange/First Organization/Administrative Groups/Exchange Administrative Group/Servers/<Servername> object.

Note   Some configuration values do not map directly to properties on the server object in Active Directory. For example, many boolean attributes such as PoisonMessageDetectionEnabled, ExternalDelayDsnEnabled are combined into a single msExchTransportFlags property on the server object.

When settings are changed on the Transport server object, Active Directory notifies the Transport server to update the Transport server configuration cache. When the Transport server receives this type of notification, it reloads the configuration from Active Directory into the cache, and then uses the new information for subsequent message transfer operations.

If the Transport server cannot receive configuration information from Active Directory, the particular component that a configuration change affects will not be updated. This event may be logged if there is a configuration problem between the Hub Transport server and Active Directory.

This event may be logged on an Edge Transport server when the following conditions are true:

  • The Microsoft Exchange ADAM service on an Edge Transport server has stopped.
  • The configuration stored in Active Directory or in ADAM is corrupted.

User Action

To troubleshoot this issue, do one or more of the following:

  • Consultez les journaux système et des applications sur vos serveurs Exchange 2010 pour identifier des événements connexes. Par exemple, des événements qui se produisent juste avant ou après cet événement peuvent fournir des informations supplémentaires sur la cause première de cette erreur.
  • If this error occurred on a Hub Transport server, try one or both of the following methods:
    • Verify connectivity between the Hub Transport server and Active Directory domain controllers in the same site. To do this, use the Ping.exe tool to test connectivity by IP address and by FQDN. Use the PathPing command-line tool to help detect packet loss over multiple-hops. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 325487, Advanced network adapter troubleshooting for Windows workstations.
    • Run the Dcdiag command line tool to test domain controller health. To do this, run dcdiag /s:<Domain Controller Name> at a command prompt on the Exchange server. Use the output of Dcdiag to discover the cause of any failures or warnings that it reports.
  • If the error occurred on an Edge Transport server, verify that the Microsoft Exchange ADAM service is started on the Edge Transport server. Examine the EdgeTransport.exe.config file to determine whether any Transport settings have been changed. For more information, see Présentation du fichier EdgeTransport.exe.Config.
  • Résolvez votre problème en utilisant les options de support autonome et les autres ressources. Vous pouvez accéder à ces ressources à partir du Exchange Server Solutions Center. Depuis cette page, cliquez sur Options de support autonome dans le volet de navigation pour utiliser les options de support autonome. Les options de support autonome incluent la recherche dans la Base de connaissances Microsoft, l’envoi d’une question aux forums Exchange Server, et d’autres méthodes. Dans le volet de navigation, vous pouvez également cliquer sur Options de support assisté pour contacter un professionnel du Support Technique Microsoft. Étant donné que votre organisation peut avoir une procédure spécifique pour contacter directement les Services de Support Technique Microsoft, assurez-vous de connaître d'abord les instructions propres à votre organisation.

For more information about the transport architecture in Exchange 2010, see Présentation du pipeline de transport and also see the Exchange Server Team Blog article Exchange 2010 Transport Architecture Diagrams Available for Download.

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