Payment history (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Accounts payable > Common > Vendors > All vendors. On the Action Pane, select the Invoice tab, and then click the Payment history button.


Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Vendors > All vendors. On the Action Pane, select the Invoice tab, and then click the Payment history button.

Use this form to view payment history information for the vendor that is selected in the Vendors form. This includes all payments made to the vendor, the method of payment, the date of payment, invoices for a payment, purchase orders for a payment, vouchers for a payment, and information printed on a physical check.

Although you cannot change any of the information in this form, you can open other related forms, where you might be able to modify information.


All of the fields that are displayed in this form are used in other forms, and are described in the topics for those forms. Use the links at the end of this topic to view more information about the specific fields.

Tasks that use this form

View payments made to a vendor

Print copies of payments as non-negotiable checks

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Select whether to display payments made in the last 12 months or a full history of all payments made to the vendor. The date used to display the payments is the transaction date when the payment was generated.

Search by

Select the type of document to search for, such as an invoice. Use this field together with the Look for field.

Look for

Enter a specific document to search for, such as a specific invoice number. Use this field together with the Search by field.


If the payment that you are searching for is not displayed in the search results, select All payments in the Show field. Although all historical payments for the vendor are included in the search, all results might not be displayed if you selected Past 12 months in the Show field.





View the invoices associated with the selection in the upper pane.


View the vouchers associated with the selection in the upper pane.

Purchase orders

View the purchase orders associated with the selection in the upper pane.




Payment display

Display details for the selected payment. For example, if you selected a payment that was made by check, the Check form opens.

The form that opens depends on whether the selected payment has been posted. The following forms can be displayed when you click this button:

  • Check form – Displayed if the selected payment has a check number

  • Promissory note form – Displayed if the selected payment has a promissory note number

  • Bank transactions form – Displayed if the selected payment has been posted and is not a check or promissory note (the payment is likely an electronic payment)

  • Payment journal form – Displayed if the selected payment has not been posted and is not a check or promissory note (the payment is likely an electronic payment)

Print payment copy

Print copies of payments as non-negotiable checks.


This button is available only if the Allow copies of payments: check box is selected in the Cash and bank management parameters form, and the offset account type is Bank. For more information, see Cash and bank management parameters (form) and Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (form).

See also

Check (form)

Promissory note (form)

Bank account transactions (form)

Journal voucher - Vendor payment journal (form)

Vendor invoice journal (form)

Voucher transactions (form)

Vendors (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).