Formula line (form)
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Click Inventory management > Common > Formula. In the Versions pane, select the item number for the formula version you want to view or maintain. Click Lines.
Use this form to view, add, and maintain the individual items that make up a formula version. You can also create and approve new formula versions or reverse approval for existing versions.
Create a formula and formula version
Create a formula in Formula designer
Create a formula by using the copy function
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Overview |
View or enter information about the component items that make up the formula version. |
General |
View and enter the identification information for the selected item, such as line type. |
Setup |
View and enter consumption information, which includes whether the consumption is variable or fixed, or uses step consumption. If consumption is Variable, the quantity changes with the batch size. If it is Constant, the quantity is fixed regardless of the batch order size. Step consumption is used when the consumption rate is not linear with the batch order size and only increases the requirement when a certain quantity threshold is met. |
Dimension |
View inventory dimensions for the item. For more information, see About inventory dimensions and dimension groups. |
Button |
Description |
Lines |
View the items that make up a formula version. To view details for a specific item, select the item and use the tabs and buttons |
Where-used |
Open the Where-used form to view a list of formula versions in which the item is used. |
Configuration |
Open a submenu of options and make a selection to view configuration information, such as routes and rules, for the selected line item. |
Functions |
Open a submenu of options and make a selection. You can copy information from an existing formula, sort raw material lines by line type, item number, and other criteria, and check the formula for circularity to determine whether an end formula item is used as a raw material in a sub-formula. |
Inventory |
Open the Dimensions display to select the dimensions you want to appear on the Overview tab for the item. |
Ingredients |
Open a menu that contains the following items:
Field |
Description |
Ingredient type |
Select one of the following options to indicate the type of ingredient:
Item number |
The identification for the item. |
Resource consumption |
Select to assign material consumption for the formula line to the resource. The resource refers to a production unit that defines a picking warehouse. Assigning material consumption to the resource is useful when the formula version does not refer to a particular site, but is valid for all sites. In this situation, you must be able to define a different picking warehouse for each site. Notes If the check box is not selected, enter the picking warehouse in the Warehouse field for the item. If a warehouse is not designated, the warehouse defined in the item’s site-specific order settings is used as the default. |
Quantity |
View or enter the number of units of the item. For a catch weight item, the displayed value is based on the conversion of the catch weight unit to the inventory unit. You cannot change this value. |
Per series |
By default, the formula size of the formula version. However, you can change this value to specify the quantity of the formula product to be produced for which this co-product or by-product will be created. |
Unit |
View or select the unit in which the Quantity field is expressed. |
CW quantity |
The catch weight quantity for the formula item in catch weight units. |
CW unit |
The catch weight unit of measure for the formula item. |
Percent controlled |
Select the check box if the item is percent controlled. If you select this field, the Scalable field is automatically selected and cannot be edited. This field is not available for catch weight items. |
Scalable |
Select the check box if all items in the formula version are set to Variable consumption. If you use this feature, any change you make to an ingredient in the formula will also adjust the quantity of the other ingredients that are selected. The size of the formula is also adjusted. This field is not available for Fixed consumption or Step consumption. |
Plan group |
View or enter the identifier for the plan group assigned to the item. The plan group is used with the Priority field to determine item substitutions if necessary during master planning. |
Priority |
View or enter the priority level assigned to the item. This value works with the Plan group field to determine the item’s priority level as a substitution if necessary during master planning. |
Configuration group |
View or enter the configuration group for the item. |
Item type |
The type of item. |
Product name |
The name of the product. |
Formula |
The identification for the formula to which the item is associated. |
Position |
View or enter position sorting criteria to retrieve a sequentially ordered list of items on the formula line according to position. |
Vendor account |
Select or view the vendor account identifier for items of line type Vendor. If left blank, vendor account information is retrieved from the work center group setup. |
Line type |
View or enter the type of line, which can be one of the following:
Calculation |
Select the check box if the formula line is used in formula calculations, which determine the cost price and sales prices for the formula based on profit settings. Formula calculations give the estimated prices on all formula levels. The contribution of an item or operation to the price of the formula level can be determined, and the contribution of all items and operations on a specific level. The calculations also provide an overview of summarized costs for cost groups. This provides the contribution of a cost group on a particular formula level. |
Sub-BOM or formula |
For sub-formula lines only. Enter the identification for an alternate formula version if one might be used. If blank, the active formula is used. |
Subroute |
For sub-formula lines only. Select an alternate routing version to use with an alternate sub formula version. If left blank, the active route is used. |
Product model number |
Select the specific product model if the item is configurable with Product Builder. If left blank, the item configuration is based on the product model that is registered as active for the current item. You can create and maintain product models under Product Builder/ Product models. |
Set subproduction to Consumed |
Indicates whether to assign formula line consumption and time when you create project production orders that use the Consumed method. When selected, the formula lines and hours of the subproduction are posted, as cost, to the project as multiple project item and project hour transactions. If you do not select the check box, the formula line is posted, as cost, to the project as a project item transaction. Notes This check box is available to change when the Line type field is set to Pegged supply. Project productions use the consumed method when the Posting method field on the Production tab of the Project management and accounting parameters form is set to Consumed. The posting method that you define here is the default setting, but you can change it when you create production orders from the Project management and accounting module. |
From |
View or enter the date from which the formula item is valid. |
To |
View or enter the last date through which the formula item is valid. |
Oper. No. |
Enter or view the operation number, which is planned to consume the product of the formula line. You can select only the operations that are associated to the product of the formula version. Coverage of the product is planned by Master planning according to the planned start or end of the operation. |
End |
If selected, coverage of the product is planned by Master planning according to the planned end of the operation as specified by the operation number in the Oper. No. field. |
Formula (Consumption calculation) |
The consumption calculation formula. The options are as follows:
Consumption is |
View or select the consumption option. This option determines whether the component issue quantity will vary or remain fixed for the batch. If it is Constant, the quantity is fixed regardless of the batch order size. These options are as follows:
Flushing principle |
View or enter the flushing principal, which can be any of the following outcomes.
Notes If left blank, the Flushing principle value from the Released product details form is used. The values of the flushing principle are used when consuming raw materials in batch orders. This is used in combination with the setup of the default values for starting and reporting batch orders as finished. |
Constant scrap |
View or enter the constant scrap value. Constant scrap quantity is independent of formula size or production batch quantity. |
Variable scrap |
View or enter the variable scrap value for an ingredient. Variable scrap is indicated as a percentage, where 10% is written as 10.00. Scrap is used to calculate corrected raw-material usage in the formula lines. |
Rounding-up |
Define the type of rounding-up to use. This is useful if the raw materials are consumed in specific quantities. Options include the following:
Example Paint is stored in inventory in 25-quart cans. When it is taken from inventory, it is taken in 25-quart can increments. In this case, rounding-up according to consumption is selected, and multiples are set to 25. The production quantity for the finished item is 20 units, and 2 quarts of paint must be used for each unit. Consumption is calculated as 20 units x 2 quarts = 40 quarts. When rounded up to a multiple of 25, 50 quarts of paint are required. When rounding up according to consumption, excess consumption, or scrap, of 10 quarts is automatically calculated. |
Multiples |
The multiple numbers in which the item is consumed. Used together with rounding-up. For more information, see the description for the Rounding-up field. |
Step consumption |
View or enter the criteria for the From series and Quantity to calculate step consumption. Based on the batch order quantity, the information from the Step per series that satisfies that quantity will be selected. Notes To activate this feature, you must select the Step option in the Formula field on the Setup tab. |
Inherit shelf life dates to end item |
Select this check box to indicate that the shelf-life dates of the ingredient are inherited by the finished item. |
Inherit shelf life dates to co-products |
Select this check box to indicate that the shelf-life dates of the co-product are inherited by the finished item. |
Inherit batch attributes to end item |
Select this check box to indicate that the batch attributes of the ingredient are inherited by the finished item. |
Inherit batch attributes to co-products |
Select this check box to indicate that the batch attributes of the co-product are inherited by the finished item. |
Adjustment principle |
Open a menu that contains the following items:
Compensation principle |
Select the compensation principle for the item if the ingredient type is Active. |
(PM) Released product details (form)
Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).