Learn more about migration reports

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**Sapplique à :**Exchange Online, Exchange Server, Exchange Server 2013

The Migration Reports page contains links to the migration success and error reports. Links to these reports are also sent to the administrator in an email message after the migration is complete.

Select one of the following reports and then click Download report Icône Modifier to open or save the report.

  • Success report   This report is a CSV file named MigrationStatistics.csv that contains a row for each mailbox that was successfully migrated. Each row contains the email address of the mailbox, the status of the migration, the number of mailbox items that were migrated, and the number of mailbox items that were skipped and weren’t migrated.

  • Error report   This report is a CSV file named MigrationErrors.csv that contains a row for each mailbox that wasn't migrated. Each row contains the email address of the mailbox and a description of the error.