Learn more about providing credentials for an administrator account

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importantImportant :
Cette fonctionnalité d’Exchange 2016 n’est pas entièrement compatible avec Office 365 géré par 21Vianet en Chine et certaines limitations de fonctionnalités peuvent s’appliquer. Pour plus d’informations, voir En savoir plus sur Office 365 géré par 21Vianet.

When you create a migration endpoint or migrate mailboxes before a migration endpoint has been created, you have to provide credentials (user name and password) for an administrator account. For some types of migrations, you also have to provide an email address for a mailbox that you want to migrate. Exchange Online uses the credentials of this account and the Autodiscover service to detect the connection settings for the migration endpoint, which is typically a server in the Exchange organization that hosts the mailboxes you’re migrating. Exchange Online also tests the connectivity to the mailbox that you provided the email address for to verify that the migration administrator account has the necessary permissions to access that mailbox.

The following list identifies the administrator account for which you have to provide credentials for different migration types:

  • Cross-forest enterprise move: An administrator account in the forest that hosts the mailboxes that you’re migrating.

  • Remote move migration: In a hybrid deployment, you can either migrate on-premises mailboxes to Office 365 (called onboarding) or migrate Office 365 mailboxes to your on-premises organization (called offboarding). For both of these types of migration, you have to provide credentials for an administrator account in your on-premises Exchange organization.

  • Cutover Exchange migration: An administrator account in the on-premises Exchange organization that hosts the mailboxes that you’re migrating to Exchange Online.

  • Staged Exchange migration: An administrator account in the on-premises Exchange organization that hosts the mailboxes that you’re migrating to Exchange Online.

For more information

Attribution d'autorisations pour la migration de boîtes aux lettres vers Exchange Online

Création de points de terminaison de migration

Gérer les déplacements de boîtes aux lettres locales dans Exchange 2016

Déplacement de boîtes aux lettres entre des organisations locales et Exchange Online dans des déploiements hybrides

Migration de boîtes aux lettres vers Exchange Online à l’aide d’une migration intermédiaire

Migration de toutes les boîtes aux lettres vers Exchange Online à l’aide d’une migration à basculement