Learn more about running an administrator role group report

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**Sapplique à :**Exchange Online, Exchange Server, Exchange Server 2013

When an administrator changes a role group, Microsoft Exchange logs information about this action in the administrator audit log. When you run the administrator role group report, entries from this log are displayed as search results and includes information about the role groups that have been changed, such as who changed them and when, and what changes were made. Use this report to monitor changes to the administrative permissions assigned to users in your organization.

Administrator role groups are used to assign administrative permissions to users. These permissions allow users to perform administrative tasks in your organization, such as resetting passwords, creating or modifying mailboxes, and assigning administrative permissions to other users. For more information about administrator role groups, see Présentation des groupes de rôles de gestion.

The administrator role group report logs the following types of changes:

  • Creating, copying, and deleting a role group

  • Adding and removing members

For more information

Rechercher les modifications des groupes de rôles ou les journaux d’audit de l’administrateur: See the section "Use the EAC to run the management role group changes report"

Exécuter un rapport de groupe de rôles d’administrateur dans EOP