Learn more about sharing policies

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**Sapplique à :**Exchange Online, Exchange Server, Exchange Server 2013

importantImportant :
Cette fonctionnalité d’Exchange 2016 n’est pas entièrement compatible avec Office 365 géré par 21Vianet en Chine et certaines limitations de fonctionnalités peuvent s’appliquer. Pour plus d’informations, voir En savoir plus sur Office 365 géré par 21Vianet.

Sharing policies provide user-established, people-to-people sharing of both calendar and contact information with different types of external users. Sharing polices allow your users to share both their free/busy and contact information (including the Calendar and Contacts folders) with recipients in other external federated Exchange organizations. For recipients that aren't in an external federated organization or are in non-Exchange organizations, sharing policies allow people-to-people sharing of their calendar information with anonymous users through the use of Internet Calendar Publishing.

For more information

