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DBObject Object

Cette fonctionnalité sera supprimée dans une prochaine version de Microsoft SQL Server. Évitez d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité dans de nouveaux travaux de développement, et prévoyez de modifier les applications qui utilisent actuellement cette fonctionnalité.

The DBObject object represents properties of a Microsoft SQL Server database object, such as a table or stored procedure.

Modèle d'objet SQL-DMO qui affiche l'objet en cours


CreateDate Property

SystemObject Property

ID Property

Type Property (DBObject)

Name Property

TypeName Property

Owner Property (Database Objects)



EnumDependencies Method

Remove Method (Objects)

ListPermissions Method

Script Method

ListUserPermissions Method



The DBObject object is used as a parameter to the GetObjectByName method of the Database object and the AddObject method of the Transfer object.

You can use the DBObject object to refer to SQL Server defaults, rules, stored procedures, tables, triggers, user-defined data types, and views.

With the DBObject object, you can:

  • Query a database by object name to determine whether the specified object exists.
  • Add a list of SQL Server database objects to a script transferring objects and data from one SQL Server database to another.
  • Determine the dependencies on a named SQL Server database object.
  • List the permissions granted on a named SQL Server database object.

The Name property of the DBObject object refers to the name of the selected Database object. Database object names are defined with the SQL Server data type sysname, and the value of the Name property of the DBObject matches the specification of sysname.