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Information on Profile Affiliations in MSDN and TechNet Profiles

This article only applies to profiles for MSDN and TechNet sites.

af·fil·i·a·tion [uh-fil-ee-ey-shuhn] - to receive into close connection or association (with a larger body, group, organization, etc).

As part of a user's profile, information may be shown alongside the display name that highlights the association or affiliation the user has to one or more Microsoft programs, networks or organizations. These affiliations can help you understand more about a community member as well as providing recognition for the accomplishments of our users. You'll also see these affiliations displayed in forum threads, on wiki articles etc. throughout the profile network.

To help you learn more about the associated programs and affiliations, we've provided the list of affiliations and links to more information as applicable.


Also displayed as...


 Microsoft Employee

Microsoft, MSFT

This affiliation is given to current Microsoft Employees only.

An employee must opt-in to the affiliation.

IMPORTANT: Starting June 15, 2020, we do not support updates to Microsoft affiliations.

 Microsoft Contingent Staff

Microsoft CSG, MSFT CSG

This affiliation is given to Vendors and/or Agency Temporary's who are contracted or assigned to Microsoft for specific services, deliverables or positions.

They are not Microsoft Employees and do not speak for or officially represent Microsoft. The company they work for should be listed in the "I work at" field in their profile.

A vendor or agency temporary must opt-in to the affiliation.

IMPORTANT: Starting June 15, 2020, we do not support updates to Microsoft affiliations.

 Most Valuable Professional



This affiliation is given to individuals who have received an award in the MVP program.

The MVP Award recognizes exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who voluntarily share their deep, real-world knowledge about Microsoft technologies with others.

Potential MVPs are nominated by other technical community members, current and former MVPs, and Microsoft personnel who have noted their leadership and their willingness and ability to help others make the most of their Microsoft technology.

MVPs are independent of Microsoft, with separate opinions and perspectives, and are able to represent the views of the community members with whom they engage every day.

Find out more about the MVP program!

 Microsoft Partner



This affiliation is given to individuals or companies that are part of the Microsoft Partner Network.

When you join the Microsoft Partner Network, you receive a set of core benefits that can help you save time and money while you strengthen your capabilities, better serve customers, and build connections to reach your full business potential.

Find out more about the Microsoft Partner program!

 Microsoft Community Contributor

Microsoft Community Contributor


The Microsoft Community Contributor badge is given to those who make notable contributions to Microsoft online communities such as TechNet, MSDN and Microsoft Community.

The value of these resources is greatly enhanced by participants who voluntarily contribute their time and energy to improve the online community experience for others.

Each day around the world, Microsoft Community Contributor recipients contribute to Microsoft online technical communities in a range of ways, including providing helpful answers, translating online resources into local languages and serving as moderators.

Find out more about the Microsoft Community Contributor badge!