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Tip: Use the Exchange Management Shell to Work with Managed Folders

In the Exchange Management Shell, you can use the following cmdlets to work with managed folders.

New-ManagedFolder (Creates a new managed custom folder)

New-ManagedFolder -Name 'ExchangeName'
-FolderName 'Pending OutlookName'
-StorageQuota 'Limit'
-Comment 'Comment'
-MustDisplayComment <$false|$true>


New-ManagedFolder -Name 'Pending Approval'
-FolderName 'Pending Approval'
-StorageQuota '500000KB'
-Comment 'All messages pending approval should be placed in this
-MustDisplayComment $true

Get-ManagedFolder (Displays a list of all managed folders or a specified managed folder)

get-ManagedFolder [-Identity 'FolderIdentity' | -Mailbox


get-ManagedFolder -Identity 'Pending Approval'
get-ManagedFolder -Mailbox 'cpand\tedb'

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Set-ManagedFolder (Sets properties of managed folders)

Set-ManagedFolder -Identity 'FolderIdentity'
-Name 'ExchangeName'
-FolderName 'OutlookName'
-StorageQuota 'Limit'
-Comment 'Comment'
-MustDisplayComment <$false|$true>>


Set-ManagedFolder -Identity 'Pending Approval'
-FolderName 'Pending For Approval'
-StorageQuota 'Unlimited'
-Comment 'Folder for messages pending approval.'
-MustDisplayComment $false

Remove-ManagedFolder (Removes managed custom folders)

Remove-ManagedFolder -Identity 'FolderIdentity'


Remove-ManagedFolder -Identity 'Pending For Approval'

When you are working with mailboxes, you’ll often want to determine whether and how managed folders are being used. You can determine the managed folder configuration for a specific mailbox by using the following command line:

get-ManagedFolder -Mailbox 'MailboxIdentity'

Here MailboxIdentity is the name of the mailbox you want to examine, such as:

get-ManagedFolder -Mailbox 'cpand\tedb'

The output returned from this command is a list of managed folders (if any). To examine detailed information about custom folders applied to a mailbox, simply format the output into a table list as shown in the following example:

get-ManagedFolder -Mailbox 'cpand\tedb' | fl

From the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Second Edition by William R. Stanek.

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