Change the Port Number for the Advisor Gateway

By default, when you install the System Center Advisor gateway, port 80 is opened for communication between the gateway and agents. You can change the port after installation by using the Advisor PowerShell cmdlets.


If you change the port number of the Advisor gateway, and you have installed the gateway and agent on the same server, due to a known issue, avoid running the configuration wizard after you change the port. If you do run the configuration wizard, the agent’s gateway port setting will be reset to 80.

To change the port used by the gateway and agent

  1. To make sure that the gateway can be connected to by agents on other servers, run the configuration wizard one time. Also ensure that the gateway has already registered with Advisor.

  2. On the gateway, do the following:

    1. Start a PowerShell prompt with elevated privilege.

    2. Add the Advisor snapIn by running the below command:

      Add-PsSnapin MicrosoftAdvisorSnapin
    3. Run the following cmdlets to change the port for the gateway:

      $gateway.gatewayPort = <port number>
      Set-scadvisorGatewaySetting $gateway
  3. On each agent that communicates with this gateway, do the following:

    1. Start a PowerShell prompt with elevated privilege.

    2. Add the Advisor snapIn by running the below command:

      Add-PsSnapin MicrosoftAdvisorSnapin
    3. Run the following cmdlets to change the port for the gateway:

      $agent.GatewayPort = <port number>
      Set-scadvisorAgentSetting $agent
    4. Run the following cmdlet to verify the connection between the agent and the gateway:


      If you see “True” in the output window, it means that the agent has been configured successfully.

See Also


Use the System Center Advisor Configuration Wizard
Configure Proxy Settings for the Gateway


Deploy System Center Advisor