This article contains technical instructions for IT administrators. The article isn't intended for non-IT administrators such as home or consumer users.
This article contains a brief introduction to the Windows installation processes, and provides resolution procedures that IT administrators can use to resolve issues with a Windows upgrade.
The article is divided into subtopics of different technical levels. Basic level provides common procedures that can resolve several types of upgrade errors. Advanced level requires some experience with detailed troubleshooting methods.
The following four levels are assigned:
Level 100: Basic
Level 200: Moderate
Level 300: Moderate advanced
Level 400: Advanced
In this guide
See the following articles in this section:
Quick fixes: \Level 100\ Steps to take to eliminate many Windows upgrade errors.
SetupDiag: \Level 300\ SetupDiag is a new tool to help isolate the root cause of an upgrade failure.
Troubleshooting upgrade errors: \Level 300\ General advice and techniques for troubleshooting Windows upgrade errors, and an explanation of phases used during the upgrade process.
Windows Error Reporting: \Level 300\ How to use Event Viewer to review details about a Windows upgrade.
Upgrade error codes: \Level 400\ The components of an error code are explained.
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.