Send feedback about Cortana back to Microsoft


Cortana in Windows as a standalone app is deprecated. This change only impacts Cortana in Windows, and your productivity assistant, Cortana, will continue to be available in Outlook mobile, Teams mobile, Microsoft Teams display, and Microsoft Teams rooms.

To provide feedback on an individual request or response, select the item in the conversation history and then select Give feedback. The Feedback Hub application is launched, where you can provide more information to help diagnose reported issues.

Screenshot: Send feedback page.

To provide feedback about the application in general, go to the Settings menu by selecting the three dots in the top left of the application, and select Feedback. The Feedback Hub is launched, where more information on the issue can be provided.

Screenshot: Select Feedback to go to the Feedback Hub.

In order for enterprise users to provide feedback, admins must unblock the Feedback Hub in the Azure portal. Go to the Enterprise applications section and enable Users can allow apps to access their data.