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About disk performance

Applies To: Forefront Client Security

By default, the Client Security agent is located in the Program Files folder on the client computer. The location of the Client Security agent might differ if you used the /I switch when running clientsetup.exe.

The following table describes the approximate average disk space requirements of the Client Security agent components.

Component Approximate disk space (in MB)

MOM agent


Antimalware service


Security State Assessment (SSA) service


User interface


The second number on the SSA line is due to the addition of the manifest files after an SSA scan. Each SSA scan produces a results folder of varying size; disk space requirements for the SSA service varies according to the operating system installed on the managed computer, the update level of the managed computer’s operating system, and the security checks performed by the SSA scan. The results folders are stored in the SSA installation path for seven days by default. When the SSA service performs a scan, it checks for results older than seven days and removes them. The seven day retention is configurable by changing the value of the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\1.0\SSA\HoldResultsDays

HoldResultsDays is a REG_DWORD data type; double-click it and enter the number of days to retain the SSA scan results folders.

Performing full scans will also affect disk performance. For more information about full scans and disk performance, see About scan performance.