VSP1CLN Command-Line Options
The Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) Files Removal Tool (VSP1CLN.exe) can be used to remove the files that are archived after Windows Vista SP1 is applied. Running this tool is optional.
Installing Windows Vista SP1 increases the amount of disk space that is used by the operating system. This space is used to archive files so that SP1 can be uninstalled. Typically, you should run VSP1CLN.exe if you want to reclaim this disk space after applying SP1 and if you will not need to uninstall SP1.
You cannot uninstall Windows Vista SP1 after you run this tool on an image.
This tool works in conjunction with SP1 only and can be used online or offline.
The following command-line options are available for the Vista SP1 RTM Files Removal Tool:
VSP1CLN.exe [/h] | [/o: Offline_Windows_directory_path] [/quiet]
These command-line options are not case sensitive.
Option | Description |
/? or /h |
Displays this list of VSP1CLN commands. |
/o:[Offline_Windows_directory_path] |
Indicates that the archived RTM files that need to be removed are in an offline image. |
/quiet |
Runs in quiet mode. No console output is provided. If this option is not used, you will be prompted with a confirmation message. |
/verbose |
Provides additional diagnostics output. |
Upon completion, you will not be able to remove Windows Vista SP1 from the image.