Accessibility Options

Accessibility Options

Windows Vista includes multiple features and options that improve accessibility for people with disabilities. You can use the Accessibility wizard or individual Control Panel properties to set options to meet the needs of users with vision, mobility, hearing, and learning disabilities.

For users with vision impairments or learning disabilities, you can set size and color options for the display of text and screen elements, such as icons and windows. You can also adjust the size, color, speed, and motion of the mouse cursor to aid visibility on the screen. Options such as StickyKeys, BounceKeys, ToggleKeys, and MouseKeys benefit some users with mobility impairments. SoundSentry and ShowSounds can assist users with hearing impairments.

Accessibility tools such as Magnifier, Narrator, and On-Screen Keyboard allow users with disabilities to configure and use computers without additional hardware or software. These tools also allow some users with disabilities to roam multiple computers in their organization.


Accessibility features such as Narrator, Magnifier, and On-Screen Keyboard provide a minimum level of functionality for users with special needs. Most people with disabilities require tools with higher functionality.

You can use Group Policy and set user profiles to make sure that accessibility features are available to users wherever they log on in your network. You can also enable some accessibility features when you run Setup by specifying them in your answer file.