Step 17 - Add ADRMSService to SQL Logins
Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
This step explains how to add the AD RMS Service Account (ADRMSService) to SQL Logins on SQL2. This allows the service account to connect to SQL2.
Log on to as fabrikam\Administrator.
Click Start, select All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and select SQL Server Management Studio. This will bring up the Connect to Server dialog box. Ensure that the Server name is SQL2 and that Authentication is set to Windows Authentication. Click Connect.
On the right, expand Security, right-click Logins, and select New Login. This will bring up the Login – New screen.
On the Login – New screen, click Search. This will bring up a Select User or Group box.
On the Select User or Group box, enter fabrikam\ADRMSService in the box below Enter the object name to select (examples) and click Check Names. This should resolve with an underline. Click Ok.
On the Login – New screen, click OK. This will close the Login – New screen.
Close SQL Server Management Studio.