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March • April 2006

Desktop Deployment:A Guide To Pain-Free Desktop Deployment

Steve Campbell and Michael Niehaus

Desktop Deployment:Get A Move On: Migrate User Data With USMT

Michael Murgolo

Desktop Deployment:Zero Touch Windows Deployment With SMS

Adam Gordon

Desktop Deployment:Design More Secure Desktop Deployments

Shelly Bird

Systems Management:No Desktop Left Behind: SMS Troubleshooting Basics

John Baker

Systems Management:Measure Twice, Roll Out Once With The SMS Capacity Planner

Craig Morris

Systems Managament:Five Solution Accelerators to Lend MOM a Helping Hand

Steve Rachui

Systems Management:Cut Through The Noise: Better Reporting with MOM and SMS

Richard Threlkeld

Virtual Server 2005:Do More With Less: Exploring Virtual Server 2005

Anil Desai



From the Editor:cc161012(v=msdn.10).md

In various ways, all of us are desktop admins at one point in our lives. Right now, I’m on the phone with my mother. I do about two hours a week on this assignment; the current challenge seems to revolve around her running "Microsoft" and not being able to find an icon.Joshua Trupin

ToolBox:New Products for IT Professionals

Process ExplorerGreg Steen

Utility Spotlight:Server Performance Advisor

Establishing solid configurations that are optimized for a server’s unique environment can often be challenging work, especially in large or complex environments. Once your servers are deployed, keeping an eye on performance to ensure that every server is running in tip-top shape can be a full-time job.Joshua Hoffman

SQL Questions & Answers:Runaway Log Files, SQL Server Instances, and More

Your queries answered by Microsoft IT professionals.Edited by Nancy Michell

How IT Works:IMAP4

Over the previous two issues, I discussed the two most popular Internet message-moving protocols, SMTP and POP3. This month, I will approach the Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4, revision one (IMAP4rev1), often referred to just as IMAP4.R'ykandar Korra'ti

Blog Tales:Blogging Is Only the Beginning

A while back, a TechNet editor asked me to convert my stunningly successful, teeth-gleaming, world-wide TechEd presentation (well, Europe and Australia) about Microsoft employee blogging into an article for TechNet Magazine.Betsy Aoki

Hey, Scripting Guy!:Determining a User’s Group Memberships

Groucho Marx once said, "I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member." (The Scripting Guys hold a similar philosophy...or we would if we could ever find a group that would accept us as members.)The Microsoft Scripting Guys

Security Watch:원격 액세스 검역 설정

이전의 관리가 간편하고 이동이 없는 시절, PC에는 네트워크와 관련된 위협이 실제로 거의 없었습니다. 물론 빌려온 플로피 디스크를 통해 종종 바이러스에 감염되는 경우가 있긴 했지만 이러한 바이러스에 감염될 확률이나 그로 인한 감염 속도는 현저히 낮았습니다. 낮은 대역폭과 "스니커넷" 기술의 긴 지연 시간으로 인해 실질적으로 제한을 받았기 때문이지요. 그 당시의 컴퓨터는 거대한 괴물처럼 책상 위에 웅크리고 앉아 절대 움직이는 법이 없는 그런 컴퓨터였습니다.Steve Riley

Inside Denial of Service Attacks

If you’ve been following this column, you know how big Microsoft. com is. If not, you can probably imagine. On average, the site reaches over 13 million unique users per day, and about 289 million per month.Paul Wright

Field Notes:The Infamous Jargon Barrier

We’ve all done it at one point or another in our career. We find ourselves in the presence of an executive from our company and look to capitalize on the opportunity, making sure that they know about the great work we are doing.Ron Melanson

TechNet Update:Find Out How R2 Works for You

When Microsoft rolls out new releases of fundamental products like Windows Server™ 2003, you want to take full advantage, but you also want to avoid the headaches that can come when you start making changes to a stable server platform that you know well.Geof Wheelwright

Windows Confidential:An Administrator Is Not the Administrator

I came across a report from a user who was trying to set the owner of a file to "Administrator. " The user was unable to do this even though he was logged on as an administrator. Why won’t the system let an administrator change the owner of a file to Administrator? Don’t administrators have permission to take ownership of files?.Raymond Chen