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Managing Meeting Workspace Sites (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)

A Meeting Workspace site is a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services subsite that is designed for centralizing all the information and materials for one or more meetings. Although some management tasks are specific to workspace sites, most of the tasks that you do for other types of SharePoint sites also apply to Meeting Workspace sites.

Enabling or Disabling Creation of Meeting Workspace Sites

By default, only users who are members of the Administrator site group are allowed to create, rename, or delete Meeting Workspace sites. As an administrator, you can enable or disable permissions to create workspace sites for a group of users. When you enable the creation of workspace sites, you give the Create Subsites right to the selected users or cross-site groups on the virtual server. This right allows users to create a subsite or a workspace site from the Create page, from the Manage Sites and Workspaces page, or from an events list under an existing SharePoint site. After the workspace site is created, no Meeting Workspace sites or other subsites can be created under the new Meeting Workspace site.

After you enable users to create workspace sites on the Windows SharePoint Services server, you can also allow users to create Meeting Workspace sites from your organization's calendaring and e-mail application. The application that you use must be compatible with Windows SharePoint Services, such as Microsoft Office Outlook 2003. This integration allows convenient collaboration and information sharing. To enable or disable the Meeting Workspace feature for the calendaring and e-mail application, use group policies for that application.


Windows SharePoint Services includes five Meeting Workspace site templates: Basic Meeting Workspace, Blank Meeting Workspace, Decision Meeting Workspace, Social Meeting Workspace, and Multipage Meeting Workspace. Workspace sites that the user creates from these templates have a different site definition ID than sites based on the Team Site template. As with other SharePoint templates, you can create new Meeting Workspace site or list templates for your users by saving an existing site or list as a site or list template. You can add new site templates to the central template gallery or the site collection template gallery, and you can add custom list templates to the site collection template gallery.

Accounts and Server Permissions

A Meeting Workspace site can either use the same permissions as the parent Web site (inheriting both the site groups and existing user accounts available on the parent Web site), or it can use unique permissions (so site administrators can create their own user accounts and add them to site groups). To use the same permissions as the parent Web site, a user who is a member of the local administrator group on the server or a user who is a member of the Administrator site group on the parent site must give the Meeting Workspace users permissions on the parent Web site.

If you need to create new user accounts, instead of using existing domain accounts, use Active Directory account creation mode. For example, an Internet service provider (ISP) may need to allow SharePoint site owners to create user accounts or invite users to collaborate on a Web site where existing domain accounts for those users do not already exist.

For more information about viewing, creating, and deleting sites and site collections, see Managing Sites and Subsites (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

For more information about defining and customizing site groups and their rights, see Managing Site Groups and Permissions (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

For more information about rights, allowing anonymous access, and assigning administration tasks, see Controlling User Rights and Assigning Tasks (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

For more information about configuring Windows SharePoint Services with a separate Microsoft Active Directory directory service, see Separate Active Directory Directory Service Organization Unit Deployment (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

For more information about site and list templates and the template gallery, see Working with Templates (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).