Move File Store Data to a New File Store in Skype for Business Server 2015


마지막으로 수정된 항목: 2016-08-30

If you need to remove the file server that is currently acting as the file store for your 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 2015 deployment, or if you need to make other changes that would make the current file store unavailable, you first need to create a new share. Then you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Shut down the 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 2015 services that use the file store that you plan to remove.

  2. Define the file store in 토폴로지 작성기 and publish the changes to make the new file store available to your deployment.

  3. Move the data to the new file store.

  4. Restart the servers or services.

  5. Optionally, remove the old file share and file folder.

To move file store data from one file store to a new file store

  1. Log on to a computer as a member of the RTCUniversersalServerAdmins or CsServerAdministrator group where the 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 2015, Administrative Tools are installed.

  2. 브라우저 창을 연 다음 Admin URL을 입력하여 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 제어판을 엽니다. 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 제어판을 사용하여 시작할 수 있는 다양한 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 Lync Server 관리 도구 열기를 참조하세요.

  3. In the left navigation bar, click Topology, and then click Status.

  4. For each 디렉터 풀, Director, Standard Edition 서버, and 프런트 엔드 풀 that uses the file store that you plan to remove, select the server or pool, click Action, and then click Stop all services.

  5. 토폴로지 작성기가 Domain Admins 그룹 및 RTCUniversalServerAdmins 그룹의 구성원으로 설치되어 있는 컴퓨터에 로그온합니다.

  6. 토폴로지 작성기 시작: 시작, 모든 프로그램, 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 2015를 차례로 클릭한 다음 비즈니스용 Skype 서버 2015토폴로지 작성기를 클릭합니다.

  7. Select a server or pool that uses the file store, and do the following:

    1. Right-click the server or pool, and then click Edit Properties.

    2. In Edit properties, under Associations, under File store, click New.

    3. In Define New File Store, under File server FQDN, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the file server. Under File share, type the folder name for the new file share, and then click OK.


    This step defines a new file store for use in 토폴로지 작성기. You define it only once, not for each server. Before you publish the topology, you must create the defined file share on the defined file server. For details, see 프런트 엔드용 파일 저장소 정의.

  8. For each server or pool that uses the file store, do the following:

    1. Right-click the server or pool, and then click Edit properties.

    2. In Edit Properties, under Associations, in File store, select the new file share, and then click OK.

  9. Publish the topology, check replication status, and then run the Lync Server 배포 마법사 as needed. For details, see Lync Server 및 Lync Server 구성 요소 실행 서버 제거를 위한 공통 절차.

  10. Start a command prompt: Click Start, click Run, and then type cmd.exe.

  11. At the command line, type the following:

    Robocopy \\<OldFileServer>\<OldShare> \\<NewFileServer>\<NewShare> /S /R:10 /W:10 /XF Meeting.Active /MT /LOG:<directory path\logname>

    The /S switch copies over files, directories and subdirectories. The /XF switch skips any files that are named Meeting.Active. Current versions of the robocopy.exe with the /MT switch greatly increase copy speed by using multiple threads. For the /LOG switch, use a directory path and log file name in the form of C:\Logfiles\log.txt. This switch creates a log file of operations at the named location.

  12. When the data copy is complete, in Lync Server 제어판, click Topology, and then click Status.

  13. For each server or pool where you stopped services, select the server or pool, click Action, and then click Start all services.

  14. Remove the old file store from the topology and then publish the topology. For details, see 파일 저장소 제거.

  15. (Optional) Log on to the computer that contains the file store that you just removed as a member of the local Administrators group or the Domain Admins group, and then remove the old file share and directory.

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