MDXValue 유형 변환

보호된 멤버 포함
상속된 멤버 포함


  이름 설명
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(SByte to MDXValue) Explicitly converts an 8-bit signed integer value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Boolean to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Boolean value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Byte to MDXValue) Explicitly converts an 8-bit unsigned integer value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Char to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Unicode character value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(DateTime to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a DateTime value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Decimal to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a decimal value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Double to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a double-precision floating-point number value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Int16 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 16-bit signed integer value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Int32 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 32-bit signed integer value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Int64 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 64-bit signed integer value to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Single to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a single-precision floating-point number to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(String to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a string to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(UInt16 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(UInt32 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(UInt64 to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Hierarchy to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Hierarchy to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Level to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Level object to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Hierarchy) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Hierarchy.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Tuple) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Tuple.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Member) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Member object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Level) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Level.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Char) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Unicode character.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to DateTime) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a DateTime.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to String) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a string.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Boolean) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Boolean value.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Decimal) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a decimal.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Int64) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 64-bit signed integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to UInt64) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to UInt32) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to UInt16) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 16-bit unsigned integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Int32) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 32-bit signed integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Single) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a single-precision floating-point number.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Set) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a Set.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to SByte) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to an 8-bit signed integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Byte) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to an 8-bit unsigned integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Double) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a double-precision floating-point number.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(MDXValue to Int16) Explicitly converts an MDXValue object to a 16-bit signed integer.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Member to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Member to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Set to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Set to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Explicit(Tuple to MDXValue) Explicitly converts a Tuple to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(SByte to MDXValue) Implicitly converts an 8-bit signed integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Boolean to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Boolean to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Byte to MDXValue) Implicitly converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Char to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Unicode character to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(DateTime to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a DateTime to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Decimal to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a decimal to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Double to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a double-precision floating-point number to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Int16 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 16-bit signed integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Int32 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 32-bit signed integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Int64 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 64-bit signed integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Single to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a single-precision floating-point number to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(String to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a string to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(UInt16 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 16-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(UInt32 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 32-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(UInt64 to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a 64-bit unsigned integer to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Hierarchy to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Hierarchy to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Level to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Level to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Member to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Member to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Set to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Set to an MDXValue object.
공용 연산자정적 멤버 Implicit(Tuple to MDXValue) Implicitly converts a Tuple to an MDXValue object.

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MDXValue 클래스

Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer 네임스페이스