

Gets array of OBNotification objects which are applicable for the server.


Get-OBNotification [ <CommonParameters>]

자세한 설명

The Get-OBNotification cmdlet gets the array of OBNotification[] objects for the server.

The OBNotification[] object contains the following details regarding the notification.
 1)  Category of Notification
 2)  Type of Notification
 3)  Time of generation of Notification
 4)  ErrorCodes for Long and short description
 5)  ErrorMessage parameters.

If a server is unregistered with the online backup service, the event log is not cleared. This can result in notifications generated by a previous registration being returning in this array if a server is re-registered with the .

However, if the is uninstalled completely from the server the event logs are deleted.

매개 변수


이 cmdlet은 -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, -OutVariable 등의 일반 매개 변수를 지원합니다. 자세한 내용은 TechNet의 about_CommonParameters(


입력 형식은 cmdlet으로 파이프할 수 있는 개체의 형식입니다.

  • None


출력 형식은 cmdlet 실행 시 출력되는 개체의 형식입니다.

  • Microsoft.Internal.CloudBackup.Commands.OBNotification[]


This example gets notifications for the server.

PS C:\> Get-OBNotfication