SpatialTessellationFunction.Planar 메서드

이 API는 SQL Server 2012 인프라를 지원하기 위한 것으로 코드에서 직접 사용할 수 없습니다.

Returns the grid cell for the given SqlGeometry instance.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Types
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Types(Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll)


<SqlFunctionAttribute(FillRowMethodName := "FillRow")> _
Public Shared Function Planar ( _
    geometry As SqlGeometry, _
    rootX As Double, _
    rootY As Double, _
    maxX As Double, _
    maxY As Double, _
    cardinality As Integer, _
    maxDepth As Integer, _
    options As Integer, _
    distanceBuffer As SqlDouble _
) As IEnumerable
‘사용 방법
Dim geometry As SqlGeometry 
Dim rootX As Double 
Dim rootY As Double 
Dim maxX As Double 
Dim maxY As Double 
Dim cardinality As Integer 
Dim maxDepth As Integer 
Dim options As Integer 
Dim distanceBuffer As SqlDouble 
Dim returnValue As IEnumerable 

returnValue = SpatialTessellationFunction.Planar(geometry, _
    rootX, rootY, maxX, maxY, cardinality, _
    maxDepth, options, distanceBuffer)
[SqlFunctionAttribute(FillRowMethodName = "FillRow")]
public static IEnumerable Planar(
    SqlGeometry geometry,
    double rootX,
    double rootY,
    double maxX,
    double maxY,
    int cardinality,
    int maxDepth,
    int options,
    SqlDouble distanceBuffer
[SqlFunctionAttribute(FillRowMethodName = L"FillRow")]
static IEnumerable^ Planar(
    SqlGeometry^ geometry, 
    double rootX, 
    double rootY, 
    double maxX, 
    double maxY, 
    int cardinality, 
    int maxDepth, 
    int options, 
    SqlDouble distanceBuffer
[<SqlFunctionAttribute(FillRowMethodName = "FillRow")>]
static member Planar : 
        geometry:SqlGeometry * 
        rootX:float * 
        rootY:float * 
        maxX:float * 
        maxY:float * 
        cardinality:int * 
        maxDepth:int * 
        options:int * 
        distanceBuffer:SqlDouble -> IEnumerable
public static function Planar(
    geometry : SqlGeometry, 
    rootX : double, 
    rootY : double, 
    maxX : double, 
    maxY : double, 
    cardinality : int, 
    maxDepth : int, 
    options : int, 
    distanceBuffer : SqlDouble
) : IEnumerable

매개 변수

  • rootX
    유형: System.Double
    The x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the bounding box.
  • rootY
    유형: System.Double
    The y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the bounding box.
  • maxX
    유형: System.Double
    The x-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the bounding box.
  • maxY
    유형: System.Double
    The y-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the bounding box.
  • cardinality
    유형: System.Int32
    The number that represents the maximum cells in tessellation output.
  • options
    유형: System.Int32
    The value that contains bitwise options for interval mode, coverage generation, and fuzz usage.

반환 값

유형: System.Collections.IEnumerable
The IEnumerable object that represents the grid cell for the given SqlGeometry instance.

참고 항목


SpatialTessellationFunction 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Types 네임스페이스