CopyTo 메서드 (Level[], Int32)

Copies the elements of the collection to the specified array.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
어셈블리:  msmgdsrv.dll의 msmgdsrv


Public Sub CopyTo ( _
    array As Level(), _
    index As Integer _
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As LevelCollection
Dim array As Level()
Dim index As Integer

instance.CopyTo(array, index)
public void CopyTo(
    Level[] array,
    int index
void CopyTo(
    array<Level^>^ array, 
    int index
member CopyTo : 
        array:Level[] * 
        index:int -> unit 
public function CopyTo(
    array : Level[], 
    index : int

매개 변수