WMI Provider for Server Events Classes and Properties

업데이트: 2006년 4월 14일

The following server events make up the programming model for the WMI Provider for Server Events. There are two main categories of events that can be queried by issuing WQL queries against the provider. These are data definition language (DDL) events and trace events. The QUEUE_ACTIVATION and BROKER_QUEUE_DISABLED service broker events can also be queried. Note the inclusive nature of the following tree diagrams. The DDL_ASSEMBLY_EVENTS event, for example, includes any ALTER_ASSEMBLY, CREATE_ASSEMBLY, and DROP_ASSEMBLY event. Similarly, the TRC_FULL_TEXT event includes any FT_CRAWL_ABORTED, FT_CRAWL_STARTED, and FT_CRAWL_STOPPED event. ALL_EVENTS covers all DDL events, trace events, QUEUE_ACTIVATION, and BROKER_QUEUE_DISABLED.

Refer to each event in SQL Server Books Online to learn which properties can be queried from it, and to also see the parent and children events of the event. For example, by referring to the ALTER_DATABASE event, you will learn that its parent event is DDL_SERVER_LEVEL_EVENTS and its properties are TSQLCommand and DatabaseName. The event also inherits the properties SQLInstance, PostTime, ComputerName, SPID, and LoginName. The event has no children events.

[!참고] Certain system stored procedures that perform DDL-like operations can also fire event notifications. Test your event notifications to determine their responses to system stored procedures that are run. For example, the CREATE TYPE statement and sp_addtype stored procedure will both fire an event notification that is created on a CREATE_TYPE event. However, the sp_rename stored procedure does not fire any event notifications For more information, see 이벤트 알림용 DDL 이벤트.

Data Definition Language Events and Event Groups

데이터 정의 언어 이벤트 및 이벤트 그룹

Trace Events and Event Groups

추적 이벤트 및 이벤트 그룹

Change History

Release History

2006년 4월 14일

Changed content:
  • Removed ALL_EVENTS as a valid event type.
  • Added a note that recommends testing event notifications to determine their responses to system stored procedures that are executed.

참고 항목


Using WQL with the WMI Provider for Server Events


WMI Provider for Server Events

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