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The Update-MDMGatewayServer cmdlet updates each Mobile Device Manager Gateway Server in the MDM system by sending configuration and other information from the Gateway Central Management (MDM GCM) component of MDM Device Management Server.

The MDM GCM component of MDM Device Management Server periodically sends MDM Gateway Server configuration information, the blocked device list, and alert data for device wipe requests to each MDM Gateway Server. You can use the Update-MDMGatewayServer cmdlet to trigger the MDM GCM to send some or all of this information immediately.

The cmdlet uses the first MDM GCM it is able to contact through the MDM Device Management Server load balancer; you cannot specify which MDM GCM is used.


This cmdlet is designed to be used only for troubleshooting and requires Server Administrator or Device Administrator permissions.


Update-MDMGatewayServer [[-DataToSend] <Enum>] [-confirm] [-whatif] [<CommonParameters>]


The following describes the Update-MDMGatewayServer cmdlet parameters.

  • DataToSend <Enum>
    Specifies the information to send to each MDM Gateway Server. You can specify one or more of the following values, separated by commas:

    Configuration: MDM Gateway Server configuration information

    BlockList: blocked device list

    Alerts: alert information for device wipe requests

    If you do not specify this parameter then all the information is sent.

  • WhatIf
    Informs you of what changes would be made if the action were to be performed (the cmdlet is not executed).
  • Confirm
    Prompts you for confirmation before the cmdlet executes.
  • CommonParameters
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable. For more information, at the MDM Shell prompt, type get-help about_commonparameters.

Input Type

The Update-MDMGatewayServer cmdlet accepts a string through the pipeline that specifies one or more types of data to send.

Output Type



This Update-MDMGatewayServer command example triggers the MDM GCM to send all information to each MDM Gateway Server.


This Update-MDMGatewayServer command example triggers the MDM GCM to send only configuration and alert information to each MDM Gateway Server.

C:\PS>Update-MDMGatewayServer -DataToSend Configuration, Alerts

Cmdlet Help

To view this information online, at the MDM Shell prompt, type get-help Update-MDMGatewayServer -detailed, or get-help Update-MDMGatewayServer -full.

See Also

