Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Performance and Sizing Guide

The Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 Performance and Sizing Guide provides test results to help you predict and plan for important performance and sizing metrics for your MOM-specific environment. This guide also provides a summary of the significant performance gains in MOM 2005, compared to MOM 2000.

In This Guide

This guide provides test data to help answer the following questions:

  • How large must the Management Server be, in terms of hardware resources?

  • How large is the overall footprint of MOM 2005?

  • How large should the MOM 2005 database be?

  • What system requirements are needed to run MOM 2005 effectively?

  • What is the expected disk activity of the MOM 2005 database and database server?

  • What is the expected CPU usage of the MOM 2005 agent on a managed computer?


This material is intended to be used by individuals in the following IT roles:

Windows Server Administrator

This individual is responsible for deploying and maintaining 100 or more applications on Windows servers, including a MOM Management Server. This person will likely want to know the day-to-day impact that MOM has on application and operating system health.

Database Administrator

This individual is primarily concerned with database-related aspects of MOM, including backup and restore, data flow between the Management Server and the database, performance implications of the MOM component deployment on servers running Microsoft SQL Server, and more.

Network Administrator

This individual is typically interested in any performance or connectivity implications for the network that are related to the MOM environment.