Configuring Data Transformation Services (DTS)

This section covers the following maintenance tasks for the MOM Reporting Server and DTS.

  • Change the Schedule for Transferring MOM Data to the MOM Reporting database

  • Moving a Large Amount of Data using DTS Latency

Change the Schedule for Transferring MOM Data to the MOM Reporting database

MOM runs a scheduled task (a DTS job) to periodically transfer data from the MOM database to the MOM Reporting database. By default, this task is scheduled to run at 1:00 A.M., every day. You can change the schedule, but it is important that this task not run when the SystemCenterReporting grooming task is running, or it will fail. It should not be set to run too frequently either.


The DTS job does not pick up alerts that appeared or were modified within a latency period of the last five minutes (the default) before 1:00 A.M. Such alerts are not transferred to the MOM Reporting database and therefore do not appear in reports until after the DTS job is run the next day. Alerts that are set to be constantly modified show a modification in those last five minutes; such alerts will not appear in reports until they are resolved. You can change the latency period through the command line. Type


and change the value of the FakePre-f3e609e8b9544a7cb9fc5914c3ef417f-c4dec8bff38c4d8c8025722724c54c02 parameter.

To change the schedule of the MOM data transfer task

  1. Log on by using an account that has administrative credentials.

  2. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Scheduled Tasks.

  3. In the Scheduled Tasks window, double-click SystemCenterDTSPackageTask.

  4. Click the Schedule tab and set the start time and frequency at which you want the task to run.


    The grooming for the MOM Database uses information in the Reporting DTS job to prevent the grooming from removing data that has not been transferred to the Reporting database. If the DTS job fails, MOM will not groom the MOM Database for the full 60 days, to avoid removing data that has not been transferred to the Reporting database.

Moving a Large Amount of Data using DTS Latency

The DTS job collects fact and dimension data that has been changed or added since the last time the DTS job was run, and before a latency time. By default, the latency time is 5 minutes; therefore, data that came in within the last 5 minutes, before the DTS job ran, will not be inserted in the Reporting database. This latency period exists to make sure that the records are committed across all tables in the operation database, before they are transferred.

Therefore, it is recommended that you move data in smaller packets if you have a large amount of data to move one time. For example, you may have ten days worth of data in your MOM operational (OnePoint) database stored, because you did not install MOM Reporting when you initially deployed MOM. You can modify the latency settings from the default 5 minutes so that you can move smaller packets ofdata. By using the /latency switch on the MOM.Datawarehousing.DTSPackageGenerator.exe, you can increase the latency to 9 days, for example, and only transfer the data that is older than 9 days ago. Changing the latency switch can prevent the DTS task from failing due to lack of space, and ensures the task takes less time overall.

To run the latency switch on the DTS task

  1. Log on using an account that has administrative credentials.

  2. Point to Start, Run, and type CMD to open the command line window.

  3. Copy the command line of the SystemCenterDTSPackageTask into the command-line window and type /latency:9 (the "9" represents 9 days in this example).

  4. Repeat the steps above using smaller latency timeframes until your data is all moved.


    Once you have moved all of your data to the Reporting Server, you must remove the latency on the scheduled job.