Internet Explorer 4 Resource Kit Appendix L - IExpress Configuration Wizard

If you want to include custom components inside the Internet Explorer installation process, such as a custom FTP client or communication software, the Microsoft® Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) includes a utility called Internet Express (IExpress) for this purpose. IExpress is a tool that creates custom, self-installing, self-extracting packages (or .cab files) of applications. The IExpress program resides in the directory C:\Program Files\ieak\tools\iexpress.

Using the IExpress Configuration Wizard

You can use the step-by-step IExpress Configuration Wizard to package applications so that they can be installed by Active Setup along with Internet Explorer. This can make the rollout of multiple applications much easier, as they can all be done at the same time.

Starting the IExpress Configuration Wizard

To start the IExpress Configuration Wizard
  1. On the Start menu, click Run

    The Run dialog box opens. 

  2. Enter IExpress.exe

  3. Click OK



Display the next page, and accept the values on the current page


Display any previous page
You may have to retype some of the values you've entered.


Exit this package


The following section displays all of the IExpress Configuration Wizard pages you need to navigate to specify packages. Each page is followed by a table that describes the features and options available on that wizard page.

Creating the Package


You can create a Self Extraction Directive (SED) file to store information about this application package.



Create new Self Extraction Directive file

To create a completely new SED file for an application, click this option.

Open existing Self Extraction Directive file

To modify an existing SED file or to use an SED file to create another, click this option. Then enter the path and file name, or click Browse to locate it.


This page appears only when you open an existing SED file from the Welcome page.



Create Package

Select this option to create a package, just as you would at the end of this process.

Modify Self Extraction Directive file

Select this option to modify the SED.




Extract files and run an installation command

Select this option if you want the package to consist of compressed files and an installation program.

Extract files only

Select this option if you want only files compressed.

Create compressed files only (ActiveX® installs)

Select this option if you want the files to be compressed into a .cab file.




Type Package title

Type the title that you want to appear on all of the dialog boxes.




No prompt

Select this option when you do not want end users to see a confirmation prompt.

Prompt user with

Select this option to display a confirmation prompt, then enter the text you want the end user to see.




Do not display a license

If the software in this package does not need to be licensed to the end user, select this option.

Display a license

When the software in the package needs to be licensed to the end user, select this option. Then, enter the full path and file name for the license agreement, or click Browse to locate it.




Enter filename and path

Click Add, then select the files you want in the package.
To remove a file from the package, click Remove.


This page appears only if you have chosen Extract files and then run an installation command on the second screen of this wizard (Package Purpose).



Install Program

Select the program or .inf file that you want this package to launch.

Post Install Command

If you want to execute a command after this package's launch is complete, enter the command or select it.





Click this option to display the installation's window to the end user.


Click this option to hide the installation's window from the end user.


Click this option to display a minimized window to the end user.


Click this option to display a maximized window to the end user.




No message

Click this option if you do not want to display a message that tells the end user that the installation is finished.

Display message

Enter a message that you want displayed to the end user after the installation is finished.




Enter target path and filename

Enter the path and file name of the file to which the application should be installed on the end-user's computer, or click Browse to locate the path and file.

Hide File Extracting Progress Animation from User

If you do not want to display progress indications to the end user, select this check box.

Store files using Long File Name inside Package

If you want to use long file names in this package, select this check box.


This page appears only if you have chosen Extract files and then run an installation command on the second screen of this wizard (Package Purpose).



No reboot

Click this option if you do not want the computer to be restarted after the installation.

Always reboot

Click this option if the computer must be restarted after the installation.

Only reboot if needed

Click this option if the computer may or may not need to be restarted after the installation.

Do not prompt user before reboot

Select this check box if you do not want to inform the user that the computer will be restarted.
You should select this option whenever the end-user's installation is silent.




Save Self Extraction Directive (SED) file

To save the SED file, click this option. Then enter the full path and file name, or click Browse to locate it.

Don't save

To abandon this SED file, click this option.


The IExpress Configuration Wizard displays this page to give you a last chance to save the package you've created. Once you click Next, the IExpress Configuration Wizard creates the package files as you specified.

Signing Package Files

Digital signatures identify the source of programs and guarantee that the code hasn't changed since it was signed. Depending on how users' browser-security levels are configured, users could be warned not to download files that aren't signed, or could be prevented from downloading them. Therefore, you should digitally sign the .cab files created by the IEAK Configuration Wizard and any custom components you include.

Signing .cab files and custom programs requires two steps: obtaining a digital certificate — from a Certificate Authority (CA) such as VeriSign or GTE — and signing the code.

Now that you have created the package, you must sign it; otherwise, Active Setup will not install it. For more information about signing your files, please see the "Signing Your Programs" section of the IEAK Help.
