Microsoft Identity Integration Server

Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) creates and distributes an integrated view of identity information from multiple data sources.

Microsoft's Identity Lifecycle Strategy and Roadmap

At the RSA Conference 2007, Microsoft outlined a roadmap for identity lifecycle management that combines metadirectory, user provisioning, and certificate management capabilities into one solution. Building on the capabilities in Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 and Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM), Microsoft launched Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 to simplify the management of the entire life cycle of a user’s digital identity.

Try MIIS 2003 in a Free Virtual Lab

It's simple: no complex setup or installation is required to try out MIIS 2003 running in the full-featured TechNet Virtual Lab. You get a downloadable manual and a 90-minute block of time for each module. You can sign up for additional 90-minute blocks any time.

MIIS 2003 Downloads and Downloadable Documentation