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Plan and deploy Office 2013


Applies to: Office 2013, Office 365 ProPlus

Summary:  Contains articles that will help you configure, customize, and deploy Office 2013.

Audience: IT Professionals

Office 2013 logoThe following table includes links to articles that will help you learn how to configure and deploy volume activation, customize an installation, and deploy Office 2013 in your organization.

Deployment articles for Office 2013 on TechNet

Article Description

System requirements for Office 2013

Contains detailed information about the system requirements for Office 2013.

64-bit editions of Office 2013

Provides information about 64-bit editions of Office 2013, supported operating systems, deployment, and installation recommendations.

Volume activation of Office 2013

Contains links to articles that provide information about how to plan and deploy volume activation for Office 2013.

Customize installations of Office 2013

Contains links to articles about how to customize a client installation of Office 2013.

Roll out Office 2013

Contains links to articles about deployment scenarios, step-by-step installation instructions, and methods of rolling out Office 2013.

Plan an Outlook 2013 deployment

Contains links to and descriptions of articles that will help you to:

  • Plan an Outlook 2013 deployment

  • Configure Outlook Anywhere, Cached Exchange Mode, and security and protection features

  • Customize Outlook profiles

Language in Office 2013

Contains links to articles that will help you plan which languages to install and how to configure Office 2013 for different languages.

Identity, authentication, and authorization in Office 2013

Contains a list of articles that will help you understand and plan for Information Rights Management and other identity and authentication requirements.

Secure Office 2013

Contains a list of articles about planning, deploying, and managing security in Office 2013.

Group Policy for Office 2013

Contains a list of articles about using Group Policy together with Office 2013.

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