Telnet Operations Guide
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista
This guide provides information about using and administering Windows Telnet in Windows 7, Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Vista®, and Windows Server® 2008.
The Telnet Server service must be installed and configured before a client running Telnet Client can connect to it. There are several settings available on Telnet Server that, if changed from their default values, must also be set on the Telnet client for a connection to be successful. The procedures in this guide document how to install and configure Telnet Server, and how to configure Telnet Client so that it can successfully connect to and interact with the Telnet server.
For more information about employing a more secure command-line alternative to Telnet, such as those that support Secure Shell (SSH) and other options, see the following documents:
Using Terminal Concentrators for Remote Management (
Examples: Selecting Remote Management Tools (
HyperTerminal overview (
For additional information about the standards that define SSH, see the following Request for Comment (RFC) available at the Internet Engineering Task Force Web site ( RFC 4252 The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol
Produced by: Microsoft Windows Server User Assistance team
Project Writer: Dave Bishop, L. Joan Devraun
Project Editor: Scott Somohano
Technical Reviewers: Jeff Gollnick, Shamit Patel, Shanmugam Kulandaivel, Jay Munro
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Reviewers: Richard Wu, Wai Ho