Managing Cover Pages
Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2
You can use the Fax Cover Page Editor in Fax Service Manager or Windows Fax and Scan to create and edit server-based cover pages. Users connecting to the fax server to send and receive faxes can select one of these cover pages to attach to their outgoing faxes—or, if you enable them to, your users can use their own cover pages that they have created. For instructions, see Configure the Outbox and Outgoing Transmissions.
When you install the Fax Server role, four default cover pages are installed: Confident.cov, Fyi.cov, Generic.cov and Urgent.cov. Cover pages are installed to the path <systemdrive>\ProgamData\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax\Common Coverpages\<language>, with the default cover pages for a server being directly in the Common Coverpages folder. To install cover pages for another language, you must first install the Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) pack for the language. For computers running Windows Vista or Windows 7, the cover pages are downloaded for the default language. If a user with a computer running Windows Vista or Windows 7 tries to use a cover page for a language that is not installed on the server, the corresponding cover page for the default language on the server will be used instead.
To create a fax cover page for your users
Open Fax Service Manager.
In the left pane, right-click Cover Pages, click New, and then click Cover Page.
In Fax Cover Page Editor, create the cover page. Use the Help provided with this tool for detailed instructions.
Save the cover page with the .cov file name extension to the Common Coverpages folder (not Personal Coverpages). It will then appear in the list of cover pages in Fax Service Manager and will be available to users with computers running Windows Vista or Windows 7.
You can also add already existing cover pages, edit cover pages, or delete cover pages from the same location.
To configure fax components, you must be a member of the Administrators group or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.
To open Fax Service Manager, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Fax Service Manager.
You must have shared the Fax printer for the default cover pages to appear in the Common Coverpages folder of the server. For instructions, see Install and Share a Fax Printer for Network Users.