Working with Integration Modules
Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator, Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server
The steps for creating and working with Automation runbooks are different depending on whether you using a management portal or Windows PowerShell. The basic steps for various common operations using both methods are provided in the following sections.
Select the Automation workspace.
If you are using Azure, then select an Automation account.
At the top of the window, click Assets.
Inspect the assets in the list with a Type of Module.
The following sample commands retrieve all modules installed in Automation.
$webServer = 'https://MyWebServer' $port = 9090 Get-SmaModule –WebServiceEndpoint $webServer –Port $port
A module is a compressed file with a .zip extension that contains a folder which includes one of the following file types:
A module (psm1 file)
A module manifest (psd1 file)
Select the Automation workspace.
At the bottom of the window, click Import Module.
Click Browse for File.
Select the module file and click OK.
Click the checkmark button on the dialog box.
The following sample commands show how to import a module.
$webServer = 'https://MyWebServer' $port = 9090 $modulePath = 'C:\Modules\MyModule.psm1' Import-SmaModule –WebServiceEndpoint $webServer –Port $port –Path $modulePath
Select the Automation workspace.
If you are using Azure, then select an Automation account.
At the top of the window, click Assets.
Locate the module and select it.
Scroll to the bottom of the Module Details screen and inspect its activities.
Optionally, click the magnifying glass icon to filter for particular activities.
The following sample commands show how to retrieve the activities in a particular module.
$webServer = 'https://MyWebServer' $port = 9090 $moduleName = 'MyModule' $module = Get-SmaModule –WebServiceEndpoint $webServer –Port $port –Name $moduleName $module.Activities
To Get a List of Activities in All Modules in Service Management Automation using Windows PowerShell
The following sample commands show how to retrieve the activities in all modules installed in Automation.
$webServer = 'https://MyWebServer' $port = 9090 $modules = Get-SmaModule –WebServiceEndpoint $webServer –Port $port $modules | foreach {$_.Activities} | sort Name,ModuleName | ft Name,ModuleName,Description
Runbook Operations
Building an Integration Module
For additional resources, see Information and Support for System Center 2012.
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