Upgrade and Migration Guides
Applies To: Windows 7
The following guides contain common end-to-end upgrade and migration scenarios.
Windows 7 Upgrade and Migration Guide
This document helps you determine which upgrade and migration tools you need for your scenario.
Step-by-Step: Basic Windows Migration using USMT for IT Professionals
This guide provides a basic example of how to migrate files and settings to Windows® 7 using Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) 4.0.
Step-by-Step: Offline Migration with USMT 4.0
This guide provides a basic example of how to migrate files and settings while the operating system is offline, by using USMT 4.0.
Migrating Files During a Remote Installation with USMT and Windows Deployment Services
This guide provides a basic example of how to migrate files and settings from Windows Vista® to Windows 7using USMT 4.0 during a remote installation using Windows Deployment Services.
This document provides an overview of both the default and customized migration XML files that are used with USMT 4.0, and includes guidelines for creating and editing a customized version of the MigDocs.xml file.