Opalis Integration Server 6.3 Release Notes
Applies To: Opalis 6.3
This document describes new functionality, system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues in the Opalis Integration Server version 6.3 release.
Opalis Integration Server Version 6.3 is a cumulative update that contains the following new features:
Compatibility with Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Compatibility with Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Integration Pack for System Center Configuration Manager
Integration Pack for System Center Service Manager
Integration Pack for System Center Virtual Machine Manager
Integration Pack for System Center Data Protection Manager
Integration Pack for System Center Operations Manager
Component | Minimum Requirement |
Processor |
2.1 GHz dual-core Intel Xeon 3000 series or equivalent |
Memory |
2 GB |
Hard Disk |
Operating System |
Additional Software |
Database |
Component | Minimum Requirement |
Processor |
2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4; 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent |
Memory |
1 GB |
Hard Disk |
60 MB |
Operating System |
Additional Software |
See the applicable integration pack guide for the system requirements information.
If you already have Opalis Integration Server 6.2.2 installed, go to the next procedure, "To run the Foundation Objects installer."
If you are not currently running Opalis Integration Server 6.2.2 SP1, install it using the following steps before you install the version 6.3 release. For information about how to obtain Opalis Integration Server 6.2.2 SP1, see Microsoft System Center Opalis (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=200971).
Browse to the System drive:\Opalis\Opalis Integration Server 6.22_6.2.2.5229 folder. Double-click Setup.exe.
If you are installing Opalis Integration Server on a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 computer, right-click Install Opalis Integration Server, and then click Run as administrator. If you are installing on a Windows Server 2003 computer, click Install Opalis Integration Server.
Do steps 1, 2, and 3 of the Install Opalis Integration Server procedure as follows. For more information aboutinstalling Opalis Integration Server, see the Opalis Integration Server Administrators Guide (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=205302).
Step 1: Click Install the Management Server. Follow the instructions.
Step 2: Click Configure the Data store. Follow the instructions.
Step 3: Click Import a License. Follow the instructions.
Do not do Step 4. Click Exit.
Continue with the next procedure.
Open the Management Server installation folder. By default, this is located in System Drive: Program Files\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Management Service. Browse to the Components\Objects folder.
Copy the OpalisIntegrationServer_FoundationObjects.msi file provided in this release to the System Drive:\Program Files (x86)\Opalis Software\Opalis Integration Server\Management Service\Components\Objects directory. Replace the existing file.
Run the OpalisIntegrationServer_ManagementService_630_PATCH.msp installer. Do not change any of the default values.
Click Run, click Programs, click Opalis Software, click Opalis Integration Server, and then click Deployment Manager. Deploy the action servers and clients.
Continue with the next procedure.
After you deploy the clients from the Deployment Manager, copy the OpalisIntegrationServer_Client_630_PATCH.msp file included in this release to each client.
Run the OpalisIntegrationServer_Client_630_PATCH.msp installer. Do not change any of the default values.
Each integration pack is designed to be installed separately. Follow the installation instructions in the integration pack guide for each of the integration packs that you want to install.
Before you begin the integration pack installation, if you are running the Deployment Manager on a Windows 2008 or 2008 R2 computer, right-click Deployment Manager, and then click Run as administrator .
The following open issues may affect your Opalis Integration Server installation.
Description | Workaround |
If you try to use a filter property twice in the same object, the following error message appears: "A filter with this property already exists." |
This is expected behavior. Filter properties can only be used once in an object. For example, if your search criterion for an alert includes a date range, you cannot use the TimeAdded filter property twice in the same object. Instead, use a different filter. In the previous example, you may be able to use the TimeAdded After Date and TimeRaised Before Date filter properties to achieve the desired results. |
Integration Pack for Data Protection Manager: When you use GetDataSource with the filter Type contains HyperV, the Published Data element Count does not contain the correct number of data sources. |
The Type Contains HyperV filter is not working correctly and should not be used. |
During a purge Event log operation, the object will fail to run on Windows 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit) if the Backup check box is selected. The purge Event log message states "Task failed to purge log - System. The following error occurred: Access is denied." This occurs when you use the Action Server on a Windows Server 2008 computer or on a Windows Server 2003 computer targeting remote Windows 2008 32-bit or 64-bit computers. |
If the Backup option check box is cleared, the activity succeeds. To back up the events to a file on the same remote computer during an event log purge, do the following:
Run Program Foundation Object. If a computer name contains more than 14 characters, the UNC program output file returns corrupted data. |
Computer names with more than 14 characters are not supported in the Run Program object. |
Running the Run Program activity on a Windows Server 2008 32-bit computer or a Windows Server 2008 64-bit computer from an action server that is located on the same computer will cause the application to stop working. After approximately 2 hours, the object returns the failure message "Error establishing communication with application under OpExec service on computer name - All pipe instances are busy. (code 231)". |
Install Windows Server 2008 32-bit or 64-bit Service Pack 2. |
If the Opalis Integration Server components and the Virtual Machine Manager Administration Console are installed on the same 64-bit computer, the Virtual Machine Manager server must be in the same domain to be able to connect to Opalis Integration Server. |
There is no workaround. |
The Create Change with Template and Create Incident with Template activities in the System Center Service Manager Integration Pack will fail if you use a template that contains activities or related objects that contain mandatory elements. |
There are two workarounds:
It is possible to configure a working Virtual Machine Manager connection without entering a user name or password. |
If Virtual Machine Manager and Opalis Integration Server (including the database and the action server) are on the same computer, and the client user and action server user have permission to Virtual Machine Manager, then Opalis uses these accounts to connect to Virtual Machine Manager if the user name and password are not entered in the Configuration Properties. |
When five or more concurrent Data Protection Manager Get object activities are running against a single Data Protection Manager server, the following errors were reported. On the Data Protection Manager Server: "Connection to the DPM service has been lost. Review the application event log for information about a possible service shutdown." In the Opalis Integration Server Policy Details Log History: "Object Status: Failed. Unknown exception caught." These errors can also occur when two or more workflows using the Get Data Source, Get Recovery Point, or Recover VM objects are running simultaneously against the same Data Protection Manager server. The Data Protection Manager may also stop responding. |
To prevent this error:
If the error occurs, restart all Data Protection Manager services. |
If you try to add a new Computer Group using an SMS Collection and you enter a nonexistent SMS server, the application stops responding. The Select an SMS Collection dialog box eventually appears, with the OK button dimmed. There is no error message. |
Click Cancel. This returns the user to the Create a New Computer Group dialog box. |
The Add Computer to Collection activity in the System Center Configuration Manager Integration Pack is successful when a specified computer ID does not exist. If you specify an invalid computer ID in the object, then the direct membership rule will be created in Configuration Manager even though the computer ID does not exist. The object will return a status of "Success". |
There is no workaround. This will be addressed in a future release. |
The Help section "Configuring BMC Remedy AR System Server Options" step 7 contains the following incorrect text: To configure the Remedy AR System connection to use a port mapper, check the Use port mapper check box and type the TCP Port and RPC# that corresponds to the port mapper configuration that will be used. |
The correct instructions are as follows:
There is no online Help for the Virtual Machine Manager and Data Protection Manager integrations in the 6.3 Release. |
The integration pack guides are available on TechNet. For more information, seeVirtual Machine Manager Integration Pack Guide (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=206080) and Data Protection Manager Integration Pack Guide (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=206081). |
When the Management Server is installed on a computer running Windows Server 2008 with User Account Control turned on, the OpalisManagementService and OpalisActionServerWatchdog services Startup Type and Logon As settings are not correct. |
System Center Configuration Manager Integration Pack: If you install Opalis Integration Server on the same server as Configuration Manager, when you set up the connection to Configuration Manager, the Test Connection fails with the error message "Check connection setting". |
There is no workaround. Uninstall Opalis from the Configuration Manager server and install it on a different server. Opalis Integration Server is not currently supported for use on the same server as Configuration Manager. |
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