Vendor batch details - Posting product receipt (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use this form to update vendor batch details from the Posting product receipt form when you update a purchase order line during registration.

Open the form

  1. Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Double-click the purchase order to open the Purchase order form.

  3. On the Purchase order lines FastTab, click the item with batch attributes that is being purchased. This item must have been set up with batch attributes and must use an Item model group where the Vendor batch purchase registration parameter is selected.

  4. On the Action Pane, on the Receive tab, in the Generate group, click Product receipt to open the Posting product receipt form.

  5. Select Lines. Then select Update line > Registration.

  6. Add a new registration line and then click Post all.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View general information about the item and batch.


View various dates associated with the batch and details for the vendor.


Optionally, enter free-form text about any updates to the vendor batch details.




Item number

The identification for the item being purchased.

Receipt status

Status of the related inventory transaction.

CW quantity

The quantity being purchased in catch weight units.


The quantity being purchased.


The identification for the purchase order.

Batch number

View or enter the batch or lot number specified by the vendor.

Vendor batch date

View or select the date on which the vendor specifies the batch was created.

Use vendor batch date

Select to use the date you specify in the Vendor batch date field as the actual batch date. If you use this date as the actual batch date, the Shelf advice date of the batch is recalculated.


If the purchase receipt creates multiple batches, the vendor batch date is used for all of the batches.

Vendor expiry date

View or select the date on which the vendor specifies the batch expires.

Use vendor expiry date

View or select the date on which the vendor specifies the batch expires.


If the purchase receipt creates multiple batches, the vendor batch date is used for all of the batches.

Country/region of Origin 1

View or select the first country of origin as specified by the vendor. This information may be used to meet Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) requirements. This field is for information only.

Country/region of Origin 2

View or select the second country of origin as specified by the vendor. This information may be used to meet Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) requirements. This field is for information only.

Vendor batch number

View or enter the batch or lot number specified by the vendor.

Manufacturing date

The date on which the inventory batch was produced or entered into inventory

Shelf advice date

The date after which action we recommend that an inventory batch or lot is retested to validate that it still meets testing standards. This date is calculated by adding the Shelf advice period in days, which you specify in the Item data field group on the Manage inventory FastTab in the Released product details form.

Best before date

The date before which a batch is best used. This date is calculated using the Best before period in days, which you specify in the Item data field group on the Manage inventory FastTab in the Released product details form.

Expiration date

The expiration date of the batch. This date is calculated using the Shelf life period in days, which you specify in the Item data field group on the Manage inventory FastTab in the Released product details form.

Last tested date

The date on which the batch was last tested for quality compliance.

See also

Item model groups (form)

(PM) Released product details (form)

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