This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all iSCSI Initiator-specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.
Connect-IscsiTarget |
Establishes a connection between the local iSCSI initiator and an iSCSI target device. |
Disconnect-IscsiTarget |
Disconnects sessions to the specified iSCSI target object. |
Get-IscsiConnection |
Gets information about connected iSCSI initiator connections. |
Get-IscsiSession |
Retrieves information about established iSCSI sessions. |
Get-IscsiTarget |
Returns an iSCSI target object for each iSCSI target that is registered with the iSCSI initiator. |
Get-IscsiTargetPortal |
Gets iSCSI target portals. |
New-IscsiTargetPortal |
Configures an iSCSI target portal. |
Register-IscsiSession |
Registers an active iSCSI session to be persistent using the session identifier as input. |
Remove-IscsiTargetPortal |
Removes the specified iSCSI target portal. |
Set-IscsiChapSecret |
Sets a CHAP secret key for use with iSCSI initiator connections. |
Unregister-IscsiSession |
Removes an active iSCSI session from being persistent using the session identifier as input. |
Update-IscsiTarget |
Refreshes the information about connected iSCSI target objects. |
Update-IscsiTargetPortal |
Updates information about the specified iSCSI target portal. |