Sensitive information types in Exchange Server
Data loss prevention (DLP) includes 80 sensitive information types that are ready for you to use in your DLP policies. This topic lists all of these sensitive information types and shows what a DLP policy looks for when it detects each type. A sensitive information type is defined by a pattern that can be identified by a regular expression or a function. In addition, corroborative evidence such as keywords and checksums can be used to identify a sensitive information type. Confidence level and proximity are also used in the evaluation process.
Format: Nine digits that may be in a formatted or unformatted pattern.
Four digits beginning with 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8
A hyphen
Four digits
A hyphen
A digit
Unformatted: Nine consecutive digits beginning with 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- ABA Routing Number -->
<Entity id="cb353f78-2b72-4c3c-8827-92ebe4f69fdf" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_aba_routing" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_ABA_Routing" />
Keyword_ABA_Routing |
aba aba # aba routing # aba routing number aba# abarouting# aba number abaroutingnumber american bank association routing # american bank association routing number americanbankassociationrouting# americanbankassociationroutingnumber bank routing number bank routing# bank routing number routing transit number RTN |
Format: Eight digits separated by periods
Pattern: Eight digits:
Two digits
A period
Three digits
A period
Three digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Argentina National Identity (DNI) Number -->
<Entity id="eefbb00e-8282-433c-8620-8f1da3bffdb2" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_argentina_national_id"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_argentina_national_id"/>
Keyword_argentina_national_id |
Argentina National Identity number Identity Identification National Identity Card DNI NIC National Registry of Persons Documento Nacional de Identidad Registro Nacional de las Personas Identidad Identificación |
Format: 6-10 digits with or without a bank state branch number
Pattern: Account number is 6-10 digits. Australia bank state branch number:
Three digits
A hyphen
Three digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern..A keyword from
is found.The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern..A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Australia Bank Account Number -->
<Entity id="74a54de9-2a30-4aa0-a8aa-3d9327fc07c7" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_australia_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_australia_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Regex_australia_bank_account_number_bsb" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_australia_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_australia_bank_account_number" />
Keyword_australia_bank_account_number |
swift bank code correspondent bank base currency usa account holder address bank address information account fund transfers bank charges bank details banking information full names idea |
Format: Nine letters and digits
Pattern: Nine letters and digits:
Two digits or letters (not case sensitive)
Two digits
Five digits or letters (not case sensitive)
1-2 optional letters (not case sensitive)
4-9 digits
Nine digits or letters (not case sensitive)
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.No keyword from
is found.
<!-- Australia Drivers License Number -->
<Entity id="1cbbc8f5-9216-4392-9eb5-5ac2298d1356" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_australia_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_australia_drivers_license_number" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_australia_drivers_license_number_exclusions" />
Keyword_australia_drivers_license_number | Keyword_australia_drivers_license_number_exclusions |
international driving permits australian automobile association Sydney nsw international driving permit DriverLicence DriverLicences Driver Lic Driver Licence Driver Licences DriversLic DriversLicence DriversLicences Drivers Lic Drivers Lics Drivers Licence Drivers Licences Driver'Lic Driver'Lics Driver'Licence Driver'Licences Driver' Lic Driver' Lics Driver' Licence Driver' Licences Driver'sLic Driver'sLics Driver'sLicence Driver'sLicences Driver's Lic Driver's Lics Driver's Licence Driver's Licences DriverLic# DriverLics# DriverLicence# DriverLicences# Driver Lic# Driver Lics# Driver Licence# Driver Licences# DriversLic# DriversLics# DriversLicence# DriversLicences# Drivers Lic# Drivers Lics# Drivers Licence# Drivers Licences# Driver'Lic# Driver'Lics# Driver'Licence# Driver'Licences# Driver' Lic# Driver' Lics# Driver' Licence# Driver' Licences# Driver'sLic# Driver'sLics# Driver'sLicence# Driver'sLicences# Driver's Lic# Driver's Lics# Driver's Licence# Driver's Licences# |
aaa DriverLicense DriverLicenses Driver License Driver Licenses DriversLicense DriversLicenses Drivers License Drivers Licenses Driver'License Driver'Licenses Driver' License Driver' Licenses Driver'sLicense Driver'sLicenses Driver's License Driver's Licenses DriverLicense# DriverLicenses# Driver License# Driver Licenses# DriversLicense# DriversLicenses# Drivers License# Drivers Licenses# Driver'License# Driver'Licenses# Driver' License# Driver' Licenses# Driver'sLicense# Driver'sLicenses# Driver's License# Driver's Licenses# |
Format: 10-11 digits
Pattern: 10-11 digits:
First digit is in the range 2-6
Ninth digit is a check digit
Tenth digit is the issue digit
Eleventh digit (optional) is the individual number
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 95% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Australia Medical Account Number -->
<Entity id="104a99a0-3d3b-4542-a40d-ab0b9e1efe63" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="95">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_australian_medical_account_number"/>
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_Australia_Medical_Account_Number"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_australian_medical_account_number"/>
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_Australia_Medical_Account_Number"/>
Keyword_Australia_Medical_Account_Number |
bank account details medicare payments mortgage account bank payments information branch credit card loan department of human services local service medicare |
Format: A letter followed by seven digits
Pattern: A letter (not case sensitive) followed by seven digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Australia Passport Number -->
<Entity id="29869db6-602d-4853-ab93-3484f905df50" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_australia_passport_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_australia_passport_number" />
Keyword_passport | Keyword_australia_passport_number |
Passport Number Passport No Passport # Passport# PassportID Passportno passportnumber パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート # Numéro de passeport Passeport n ° Passeport Non Passeport # Passeport# PasseportNon Passeportn ° |
passport passport details immigration and citizenship commonwealth of australia department of immigration residential address department of immigration and citizenship visa national identity card passport number travel document issuing authority |
Format: 8-9 digits
Pattern: 8-9 digits typically presented with spaces as follows:
Three digits
An optional space
Three digits
An optional space
2-3 digits where the last digit is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 95% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.No keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Australia Tax File Number -->
<Entity id="e29bc95f-ff70-4a37-aa01-04d17360a4c5" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="95">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_australian_tax_file_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_Australia_Tax_File_Number" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_number_exclusions" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_australian_tax_file_number" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_Australia_Tax_File_Number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_number_exclusions" />
Keyword_Australia_Tax_File_Number | Keyword_number_exclusions |
australian business number marginal tax rate medicare levy portfolio number service veterans withholding tax individual tax return tax file number |
00000000 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 88888888 99999999 000000000 111111111 222222222 333333333 444444444 555555555 666666666 777777777 888888888 999999999 0000000000 1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 4444444444 5555555555 6666666666 7777777777 8888888888 9999999999 |
Format: 11 digits plus delimiters
Pattern: 11 digits plus delimiters:
Six digits and two periods in the format YY.MM.DD for date of birth
A hyphen
Three sequential digits (odd for males, even for females)
A period
Two digits that are a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Belgium National Number -->
<Entity id="fb969c9e-0fd1-4b18-8091-a2123c5e6a54" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_belgium_national_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_belgium_national_number"/>
Keyword_belgium_national_number |
Identity Registration Identification ID Identiteitskaart Registratie nummer Identificatie nummer Identiteit Registratie Identificatie Carte d'identité numéro d'immatriculation numéro d'identification identité inscription Identifikation Identifizierung Identifikationsnummer Personalausweis Registrierung Registrationsnummer |
Format: 14 digits that include a registration number, branch number, and check digits, plus delimiters
Pattern: 14 digits, plus delimiters:
Two digits
A period
Three digits
A period
Three digits (these first eight digits are the registration number)
A forward slash
Four-digit branch number
A hyphen
Two digits that are check digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Brazil Legal Entity Number (CNPJ) -->
<Entity id="9b58b5cd-5e90-4df6-b34f-1ebcc88ceae4" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_cnpj"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_brazil_cnpj"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_cnpj"/>
Keyword_brazil_cnpj |
CNPJ CNPJ/MF CNPJ-MF National Registry of Legal Entities Taxpayers Registry Legal entity Legal entities Registration Status Business Company CNPJ Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes CGC Pessoa jurídica Pessoas jurídicas Situação cadastral Inscrição Empresa |
Format: 11 digits that include a check digit and can be formatted or unformatted
Three digits
A period
Three digits
A period
Three digits
A hyphen
Two digits which are check digits
Unformatted: 11 digits where the last two digits are check digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Brazil CPF Number -->
<Entity id="78e09124-f2c3-4656-b32a-c1a132cd2711" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_cpf"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_brazil_cpf"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_cpf"/>
Keyword_brazil_cpf |
CPF Identification Registration Revenue Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas Imposto Identificação Inscrição Receita |
Registro Geral (old format): Nine digits plus delimiters
Registro de Identidade (RIC) (new format): 11 digits plus a hyphen
Registro Geral (old format):
Two digits
A period
Three digits
A period
Three digits
A hyphen
One digit which is a check digit
Registro de Identidade (RIC) (new format)
10 digits
A hyphen
One digit which is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Brazil National ID Card (RG) -->
<Entity id="486de900-db70-41b3-a886-abdf25af119c" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_rg"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_brazil_rg"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_brazil_rg"/>
Keyword_brazil_rg |
National ID Registration Cédula de identidade Registro Geral RG Registro de Identidade RIC Número de registo Registro |
Format: Seven or twelve digits
Pattern: A Canada Bank Account Number is seven or twelve digits. A Canada bank account transit number is:
Five digits
A hyphen
Three digits
A zero "0"
Eight digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Canada Bank Account Number -->
<Entity id="552e814c-cb50-4d94-bbaa-bb1d1ffb34de" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_canada_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Regex_canada_bank_account_transit_number" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_canada_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_bank_account_number" />
Keyword_canada_bank_account_number |
canada savings bonds canada revenue agency canadian financial institution direct deposit form canadian citizen legal representative notary public commissioner for oaths child care benefit universal child care canada child tax benefit income tax benefit harmonized sales tax social insurance number income tax refund child tax benefit territorial payments institution number deposit request banking information direct deposit |
Format: Varies by province
Pattern: Various patterns covering Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland/Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Canada Driver's License Number -->
<Entity id="37186abb-8e48-4800-ad3c-e3d1610b3db0" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_alberta_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_alberta_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_british_columbia_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_british_columbia_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_manitoba_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_manitoba_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_new_brunswick_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_new_brunswick_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_newfoundland_labrador_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_newfoundland_labrador_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_nova_scotia_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_nova_scotia_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_ontario_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_ontario_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_prince_edward_island_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_prince_edward_island_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_quebec_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_quebec_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_saskatchewan_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_saskatchewan_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_drivers_license" />
Keyword_[province_name]_drivers_license_name | Keyword_canada_drivers_license |
The province abbreviation, for example AB The province name, for example Alberta |
DL DLS CDL CDLS DriverLic DriverLics DriverLicense DriverLicenses DriverLicence DriverLicences Driver Lic Driver Lics Driver License Driver Licenses Driver Licence Driver Licences DriversLic DriversLics DriversLicence DriversLicences DriversLicense DriversLicenses Drivers Lic Drivers Lics Drivers License Drivers Licenses Drivers Licence Drivers Licences Driver'Lic Driver'Lics Driver'License Driver'Licenses Driver'Licence Driver'Licences Driver' Lic Driver' Lics Driver' License Driver' Licenses Driver' Licence Driver' Licences Driver'sLic Driver'sLics Driver'sLicense Driver'sLicenses Driver'sLicence Driver'sLicences Driver's Lic Driver's Lics Driver's License Driver's Licenses Driver's Licence Driver's Licences Permis de Conduire id ids idcard number idcard numbers idcard # idcard #s idcard card idcard cards idcard identification number identification numbers identification # identification #s identification card identification cards identification DL# DLS# CDL# CDLS# DriverLic# DriverLics# DriverLicense# DriverLicenses# DriverLicence# DriverLicences# Driver Lic# Driver Lics# Driver License# Driver Licenses# Driver License# Driver Licences# DriversLic# DriversLics# DriversLicense# DriversLicenses# DriversLicence# DriversLicences# Drivers Lic# Drivers Lics# Drivers License# Drivers Licenses# Drivers Licence# Drivers Licences# Driver'Lic# Driver'Lics# Driver'License# Driver'Licenses# Driver'Licence# Driver'Licences# Driver' Lic# Driver' Lics# Driver' License# Driver' Licenses# Driver' Licence# Driver' Licences# Driver'sLic# Driver'sLics# Driver'sLicense# Driver'sLicenses# Driver'sLicence# Driver'sLicences# Driver's Lic# Driver's Lics# Driver's License# Driver's Licenses# Driver's Licence# Driver's Licences# Permis de Conduire# ID# IDs# idcard card# idcard cards# idcard# identification card# identification cards# identification# |
Format: 10 digits
Pattern: 10 digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Canada Health Service Number -->
<Entity id="59c0bf39-7fab-482c-af25-00faa4384c94" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_canada_health_service_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_health_service_number" />
Keyword_canada_health_service_number |
personal health number patient information health services speciality services automobile accident patient hospital psychiatrist workers compensation disability |
Format: Two uppercase letters followed by six digits
Pattern: Two uppercase letters followed by six digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Canada Passport Number -->
<Entity id="14d0db8b-498a-43ed-9fca-f6097ae687eb" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_canada_passport_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_passport_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_passport" />
Keyword_canada_passport_number | Keyword_passport |
canadian citizenship canadian passport passport application passport photos certified translator canadian citizens processing times renewal application |
Passport Number Passport No Passport # Passport# PassportID Passportno passportnumber パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート# Numéro de passeport Passeport n ° Passeport Non Passeport # Passeport# PasseportNon Passeportn ° |
Format: Nine digits
Pattern: Nine digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.At least two keywords from
are found..
<!-- Canada PHIN -->
<Entity id="722e12ac-c89a-4ec8-a1b7-fea3469f89db" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_canada_phin" />
<Any minMatches="2">
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_phin" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_canada_provinces" />
Keyword_canada_phin | Keyword_canada_provinces |
social insurance number health information act income tax information manitoba health health registration prescription purchases benefit eligibility personal health power of attorney registration number personal health number practitioner referral wellness professional patient referral health and wellness |
Nunavut Quebec Northwest Territories Ontario British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Yukon Newfoundland and Labrador New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canada |
Format: Nine digits with optional hyphens or spaces
Three digits
A hyphen or space
Three digits
A hyphen or space
Three digits
Unformatted: Nine digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least two of any combinations of the following:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Canada Social Insurance Number -->
<Entity id="a2f29c85-ecb8-4514-a610-364790c0773e" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_canadian_sin" />
<Any minMatches="2">
<Match idRef="Keyword_sin" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_sin_collaborative" />
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_unformatted_canadian_sin" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_sin" />
Keyword_sin | Keyword_sin_collaborative |
sin social insurance numero d'assurance sociale sins ssn ssns social security numero d'assurance social national identification number national id sin# soc ins social ins |
driver's license drivers license driver's licence drivers licence DOB Birthdate Birthday Date of Birth |
Format: 7-8 digits plus delimiters a check digit or letter
Pattern: 7-8 digits plus delimiters:
1-2 digits
A period
Three digits
A period
Three digits
A dash
One digit or letter (not case sensitive) which is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Chile Identity Card Number -->
<Entity id="4e979794-49a0-407e-a0b9-2c536937b925" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_chile_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_chile_id_card"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_chile_id_card"/>
Keyword_chile_id_card |
National Identification Number Identity card ID Identification Rol Único Nacional RUN Rol Único Tributario RUT Cédula de Identidad Número De Identificación Nacional Tarjeta de identificación Identificación |
Format: 18 digits
Pattern: 18 digits:
Six digits which are an address code
Eight digits in the form YYYYMMDD, which are the date of birth
Three digits that are an order code
One digit that is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- China Resident Identity Card (PRC) Number -->
<Entity id="c92daa86-2d16-4871-901f-816b3f554fc1" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_china_resident_id"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_china_resident_id"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_china_resident_id"/>
Keyword_china_resident_id |
Resident Identity Card PRC National Identification Card 身份证 居民 身份证 居民身份证 鉴定 身分證 居民 身份證 鑑定 |
Format: 14 digits that can be formatted or unformatted (dddddddddddddd) and must pass the Luhn test.
Pattern: Very complex and robust pattern that detects cards from all major brands worldwide, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, JCB, American Express, gift cards, and diner cards.
Checksum: Yes, the Luhn checksum
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.One of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Credit Card Number -->
<Entity id="50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_credit_card" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_cc_verification" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_cc_name" />
<Match idRef="Func_expiration_date" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_credit_card" />
Keyword_cc_verification | Keyword_cc_name |
card verification card identification number cvn cid cvc2 cvv2 pin block security code security number security no issue number issue no cryptogramme numéro de sécurité numero de securite kreditkartenprüfnummer kreditkartenprufnummer prüfziffer prufziffer sicherheits Kode sicherheitscode sicherheitsnummer verfalldatum codice di verifica cod. sicurezza cod sicurezza n autorizzazione código codigo cod. seg cod seg código de segurança codigo de seguranca codigo de segurança código de seguranca cód. segurança cod. seguranca cod. segurança cód. seguranca cód segurança cod seguranca cod segurança cód seguranca número de verificação numero de verificacao ablauf gültig bis gültigkeitsdatum gultig bis gultigkeitsdatum scadenza data scad fecha de expiracion fecha de venc vencimiento válido hasta valido hasta vto data de expiração data de expiracao data em que expira validade valor vencimento Venc |
amex american express americanexpress Visa mastercard master card mc mastercards master cards diner's Club diners club dinersclub discover card discovercard discover cards JCB japanese card bureau carte blanche carteblanche credit card cc# cc#: expiration date exp date expiry date date d'expiration date d'exp date expiration bank card bankcard card number card num cardnumber cardnumbers card numbers creditcard credit cards creditcards ccn card holder cardholder card holders cardholders check card checkcard check cards checkcards debit card debitcard debit cards debitcards atm card atmcard atm cards atmcards enroute en route card type carte bancaire carte de crédit carte de credit numéro de carte numero de carte nº de la carte nº de carte kreditkarte karte karteninhaber karteninhabers kreditkarteninhaber kreditkarteninstitut kreditkartentyp eigentümername kartennr kartennummer kreditkartennummer kreditkarten-nummer carta di credito carta credito n. carta n carta nr. carta nr carta numero carta numero della carta numero di carta tarjeta credito tarjeta de credito tarjeta crédito tarjeta de crédito tarjeta de atm tarjeta atm tarjeta debito tarjeta de debito tarjeta débito tarjeta de débito nº de tarjeta no. de tarjeta no de tarjeta numero de tarjeta número de tarjeta tarjeta no tarjetahabiente cartão de crédito cartão de credito cartao de crédito cartao de credito cartão de débito cartao de débito cartão de debito cartao de debito débito automático debito automatico número do cartão numero do cartão número do cartao numero do cartao número de cartão numero de cartão número de cartao numero de cartao nº do cartão nº do cartao nº. do cartão no do cartão no do cartao no. do cartão no. do cartao |
Format: Nine digits
Pattern: Nine consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!--Croatia Identity Card Number-->
<Entity id="ff12f884-c20a-4189-b185-34c8e7258d47" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_croatia_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_croatia_id_card"/>
Keyword_croatia_id_card |
Croatian identity card Osobna iskaznica |
Format: 10 digits
Pattern: 10 digits:
Six digits in the form DDMMYY, which are the date of birth
Four digits where the final digit is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Croatia Personal Identification (OIB) Number -->
<Entity id="31983b6d-db95-4eb2-a630-b44bd091968d" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_croatia_oib_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_croatia_oib_number"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_croatia_oib_number"/>
Keyword_croatia_oib_number |
Personal Identification Number Osobni identifikacijski broj OIB |
Format: 10 digits containing a forward slash
Pattern: 10 digits:
Six digits that are the date of birth
A forward slash
Four digits where the final digit is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Czech National Identity Card Number -->
<Entity id="60c0725a-4eb6-455b-9dda-05d8a7396497" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_czech_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_czech_id_card"/>
Keyword_czech_id_card |
Czech national identity card Občanský průka |
Format: 10 digits containing a hyphen
Pattern: 10 digits:
Six digits in the format DDMMYY, which are the date of birth
A hyphen
Four digits where the final digit is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Denmark Personal Identification Number -->
<Entity id="6c4f2fef-56e1-4c00-8093-88d7a01cf460" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_denmark_id"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_denmark_id"/>
Keyword_denmark_id |
Personal Identification Number CPR Det Centrale Personregister Personnummer |
Format: Two letters followed by seven digits
Pattern: Pattern must include all of the following:
One letter (not case sensitive) from this set of possible letters: abcdefghjklmnprstux, which is a registrant code
One letter (not case sensitive), which is the first letter of the registrant's last name
Seven digits, the last of which is the check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- DEA Number -->
<Entity id="9a5445ad-406e-43eb-8bd7-cac17ab6d0e4" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_dea_number"/>
Keywords: None
Format: 16 digits
Pattern: Very complex and robust pattern
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
The checksum passes.
<!-- EU Debit Card Number -->
<Entity id="0e9b3178-9678-47dd-a509-37222ca96b42" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_eu_debit_card" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_eu_debit_card" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_card_terms_dict" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_card_security_terms_dict" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_card_expiration_terms_dict" />
<Match idRef="Func_expiration_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date1" />
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date2" />
Keyword_eu_debit_card | Keyword_card_terms_dict | Keyword_card_security_terms_dict | Keyword_card_expiration_terms_dict |
account number card number card no. security number cc# |
acct nbr acct num acct no american express americanexpress americano espresso amex atm card atm cards atm kaart atmcard atmcards atmkaart atmkaarten bancontact bank card bankkaart card holder card holders card num card number card numbers card type cardano numerico cardholder cardholders cardnumber cardnumbers carta bianca carta credito carta di credito cartao de credito cartao de crédito cartao de debito cartao de débito carte bancaire carte blanche carte bleue carte de credit carte de crédit carte di credito carteblanche cartão de credito cartão de crédito cartão de debito cartão de débito cb ccn check card check cards checkcard checkcards chequekaart cirrus cirrus-edc-maestro controlekaart controlekaarten credit card credit cards creditcard creditcards debetkaart debetkaarten debit card debit cards debitcard debitcards debito automatico diners club dinersclub discover discover card discover cards discovercard discovercards débito automático edc eigentümername european debit card hoofdkaart hoofdkaarten in viaggio japanese card bureau japanse kaartdienst jcb kaart kaart num kaartaantal kaartaantallen kaarthouder kaarthouders karte karteninhaber karteninhabers kartennr kartennummer kreditkarte kreditkarten-nummer kreditkarteninhaber kreditkarteninstitut kreditkartennummer kreditkartentyp maestro master card master cards mastercard mastercards mc mister cash n carta n. carta no de tarjeta no do cartao no do cartão no. de tarjeta no. do cartao no. do cartão nr carta nr. carta numeri di scheda numero carta numero de cartao numero de carte numero de cartão numero de tarjeta numero della carta numero di carta numero di scheda numero do cartao numero do cartão numéro de carte nº carta nº de carte nº de la carte nº de tarjeta nº do cartao nº do cartão nº. do cartão número de cartao número de cartão número de tarjeta número do cartao scheda dell'assegno scheda dell'atmosfera scheda dell'atmosfera scheda della banca scheda di controllo scheda di debito scheda matrice schede dell'atmosfera schede di controllo schede di debito schede matrici scoprono la scheda scoprono le schede solo supporti di scheda supporto di scheda switch tarjeta atm tarjeta credito tarjeta de atm tarjeta de credito tarjeta de debito tarjeta debito tarjeta no tarjetahabiente tipo della scheda ufficio giapponese della scheda v pay v-pay visa visa plus visa electron visto visum vpay |
card identification number card verification cardi la verifica cid cod seg cod seguranca cod segurança cod sicurezza cod. seg cod. seguranca cod. segurança cod. sicurezza codice di sicurezza codice di verifica codigo codigo de seguranca codigo de segurança crittogramma cryptogram cryptogramme cv2 cvc cvc2 cvn cvv cvv2 cód seguranca cód segurança cód. seguranca cód. segurança código código de seguranca código de segurança de kaart controle geeft nr uit issue no issue number kaartidentificatienummer kreditkartenprufnummer kreditkartenprüfnummer kwestieaantal no. dell'edizione no. di sicurezza numero de securite numero de verificacao numero dell'edizione numero di identificazione della scheda numero di sicurezza numero van veiligheid numéro de sécurité nº autorizzazione número de verificação perno il blocco pin block prufziffer prüfziffer security code security no security number sicherheits kode sicherheitscode sicherheitsnummer speldblok veiligheid nr veiligheidsaantal veiligheidscode veiligheidsnummer verfalldatum |
ablauf data de expiracao data de expiração data del exp data di exp data di scadenza data em que expira data scad data scadenza date de validité datum afloop datum van exp de afloop espira espira exp date exp datum expiration expire expires expiry fecha de expiracion fecha de venc gultig bis gultigkeitsdatum gültig bis gültigkeitsdatum la scadenza scadenza valable validade valido hasta valor venc vencimento vencimiento verloopt vervaldag vervaldatum vto válido hasta |
Format: Six digits plus a character indicating a century plus three digits plus a check digit
Pattern: Pattern must include all of the following:
Six digits in the format DDMMYY, which are a date of birth
Century marker (either '-', '+' or 'a')
Three-digit personal identification number
A digit or letter (case insensitive) which is a check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Finnish National ID-->
<Entity id="338FD995-4CB5-4F87-AD35-79BD1DD926C1" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_finnish_national_id" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_finnish_national_id" />
Keyword_finnish_national_id |
Sosiaaliturvatunnus SOTU Henkilötunnus HETU Personbeteckning Personnummer |
Format: Combination of nine letters and digits
Pattern: Combination of nine letters and digits:
Two letters (not case sensitive)
Seven digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Finland Passport Number -->
<Entity id="d1685ac3-1d3a-40f8-8198-32ef5669c7a5" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_finland_passport_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_finland_passport_number"/>
Keyword_finland_passport_number |
Passport Passi |
Format: 12 digits
Pattern: 12 digits with validation to discount similar patterns such as French telephone numbers
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters::
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
<!-- France Driver's License Number -->
<Entity id="18e55a36-a01b-4b0f-943d-dc10282a1824" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_french_drivers_license" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_french_drivers_license" />
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date" />
Keyword_french_drivers_license |
drivers licence drivers license driving licence driving license permis de conduire licence number license number licence numbers license numbers |
Format: 12 digits
Pattern: 12 digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters: The regular expression Regex_france_cni
finds content that matches the pattern.
<!-- France CNI -->
<Entity id="f741ac74-1bc0-4665-b69b-f0c7f927c0c4" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="65">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_france_cni" />
Keywords: None
Format: Nine digits and letters
Pattern: Nine digits and letters:
Two digits
Two letters (not case sensitive)
Five digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found..
<!-- France Passport Number -->
<Entity id="3008b884-8c8c-4cd8-a289-99f34fc7ff5d" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_fr_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_passport" />
Keyword_passport |
Passport Number Passport No Passport # Passport# PassportID Passportno passport number パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート # Numéro de passeport Passeport n ° Passeport Non Passeport # Passeport# PasseportNon Passeportn ° |
Format: 15 digits
Must match one of two patterns:
13 digits followed by a space followed by two digits, or
15 consecutive digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 95% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- France INSEE -->
<Entity id="71f62b97-efe0-4aa1-aa49-e14de253619d" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="95">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_french_insee" />
<Match idRef="Func_fr_insee" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_fr_insee" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_french_insee" />
<Match idRef="Func_fr_insee" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_fr_insee" />
Keyword_fr_insee |
insee securité sociale securite sociale national id national identification numéro d'identité no d'identité no. d'identité numero d'identite no d'identite no. d'identite social security number social security code social insurance number le numéro d'identification nationale d'identité nationale numéro de sécurité sociale le code de la sécurité sociale numéro d'assurance sociale numéro de sécu code sécu |
Format: Combination of 11 digits and letters
Pattern: 11 digits and letters (not case sensitive):
A digit or letter
Two digits
Six digits or letters
A digit
A digit or letter
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.
The checksum passes.
<!-- German Driver's License Number -->
<Entity id="91da9335-1edb-45b7-a95f-5fe41a16c63c" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_german_drivers_license" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_drivers_license_collaborative" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_drivers_license" />
Keyword_german_drivers_license_number | Keyword_german_drivers_license_collaborative | Keyword_german_drivers_license |
Führerschein Fuhrerschein Fuehrerschein Führerscheinnummer Fuhrerscheinnummer Fuehrerscheinnummer Führerschein- Fuhrerschein- Fuehrerschein- FührerscheinnummerNr FuhrerscheinnummerNr FuehrerscheinnummerNr FührerscheinnummerKlasse FuhrerscheinnummerKlasse FuehrerscheinnummerKlasse Führerschein- Nr Fuhrerschein- Nr Fuehrerschein- Nr Führerschein- Klasse Fuhrerschein- Klasse Fuehrerschein- Klasse FührerscheinnummerNr FuhrerscheinnummerNr FuehrerscheinnummerNr FührerscheinnummerKlasse FuhrerscheinnummerKlasse FuehrerscheinnummerKlasse Führerschein- Nr Fuhrerschein- Nr Fuehrerschein- Nr Führerschein- Klasse Fuhrerschein- Klasse Fuehrerschein- Klasse DL DLS Driv Lic Driv Licen Driv License Driv Licenses Driv Licence Driv Licences Driv Lic Driver Licen Driver License Driver Licenses Driver Licence Driver Licences Drivers Lic Drivers Licen Drivers License Drivers Licenses Drivers Licence Drivers Licences Driver's Lic Driver's Licen Driver's License Driver's Licenses Driver's Licence Driver's Licences Driving Lic Driving Licen Driving License Driving Licenses Driving Licence Driving Licences |
Nr-Führerschein Nr-Fuhrerschein Nr-Fuehrerschein No-Führerschein No-Fuhrerschein No-Fuehrerschein N-Führerschein N-Fuhrerschein N-Fuehrerschein Nr-Führerschein Nr-Fuhrerschein Nr-Fuehrerschein No-Führerschein No-Fuhrerschein No-Fuehrerschein N-Führerschein N-Fuhrerschein N-Fuehrerschein |
ausstellungsdatum ausstellungsort ausstellende behöde ausstellende behorde ausstellende behoerde |
Since 1 November 2010: Nine letters and digits
From 1 April 1987 until 31 October 2010: 10 digits
Since 1 November 2010:
One letter (not case sensitive)
Eight digits
From 1 April 1987 until 31 October 2010: 10 digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Germany Identity Card Number -->
<Entity id="e577372f-c42e-47a0-9d85-bebed1c237d4" recommendedConfidence="65" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_germany_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_germany_id_card"/>
Keyword_germany_id_card |
Identity Card ID Identification Personalausweis Identifizierungsnummer Ausweis Identifikation |
Format: 10 digits or letters
Pattern: Pattern must include all of the following:
First character is a digit or a letter from this set (C, F, G, H, J, K)
Three digits
Five digits or letters from this set (C, -H, J-N, P, R, T, V-Z)
A digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from any of the five keyword lists is found.
The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from any of the five keyword lists is found.
The checksum passes.
<!-- German Passport Number -->
<Entity id="2e3da144-d42b-47ed-b123-fbf78604e52c" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_german_passport" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport_collaborative" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport1" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport2" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_german_passport_data" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport_collaborative" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport1" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_german_passport2" />
Keyword_german_passport | Keyword_german_passport_collaborative | Keyword_german_passport_number | Keyword_german_passport1 | Keyword_german_passport2 |
reisepass reisepasse reisepassnummer passport passports |
geburtsdatum ausstellungsdatum ausstellungsort |
No-Reisepass Nr-Reisepass |
Reisepass-Nr | bnationalit.t |
Format: Combination of 7-8 letters and numbers plus a dash
Seven letters and numbers (old format):
One letter (any letter of the Greek alphabet)
A dash
Six digits
Eight letters and numbers (new format):
Two letters whose uppercase character occurs in both the Greek and Latin alphabets (ABEZHIKMNOPTYX)
A dash
Six digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Greece National ID Card -->
<Entity id="82568215-1da1-46d3-874a-d2294d81b5ac" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_greece_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_greece_id_card"/>
Keyword_greece_id_card |
Greek identity Card Tautotita Δελτίο αστυνομικής ταυτότητας Ταυτότητα |
Format: Combination of 8-9 letters and numbers plus optional parentheses around the final character
Pattern: Combination of 8-9 letters:
1-2 letters (not case sensitive)
Six digits
The final character (any digit or the letter A), which is the check digit and is optionally enclosed in parentheses.
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) number -->
<Entity id="e63c28a7-ad29-4c17-a41a-3d2a0b70fd9c" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_hong_kong_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_hong_kong_id_card"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_hong_kong_id_card"/>
Keyword_hong_kong_id_card |
Hong Kong Identity Card HKID ID card 香港身份證 香港永久性居民身份證 |
Format: 10 letters or digits
Pattern: 10 letters or digits:
Five letters (not case sensitive)
Four digits
A letter, which is an alphabetic check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- India Permanent Account Number -->
<Entity id="2602bfee-9bb0-47a5-a7a6-2bf3053e2804" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_india_permanent_account_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_india_permanent_account_number"/>
Keyword_india_permanent_account_number |
Permanent Account Number PAN |
Format: 12 digits containing optional spaces or dashes
Pattern: 12 digits:
Four digits
An optional space or dash
Four digits
An optional space or dash
The final digit, which is the check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- India Unique Identification (Aadhaar) number -->
<Entity id="1ca46b29-76f5-4f46-9383-cfa15e91048f" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_india_aadhaar"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_india_aadhar"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_india_aadhaar"/>
Keyword_india_aadhar |
Aadhar Aadhaar UID आधार |
Format: 16 digits containing optional periods
Pattern: 16 digits:
Two-digit province code
A period (optional)
Two-digit regency or city code
Two-digit subdistrict code
A period (optional)
Six digits in the format DDMMYY, which are the date of birth
A period (optional)
Four digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters: The regular expression Regex_indonesia_id_card
finds content that matches the pattern.
<!-- Indonesia Identity Card (KTP) Number -->
<Entity id="da68fdb0-f383-4981-8c86-82689d3b7d55" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_indonesia_id_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_indonesia_id_card"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_indonesia_id_card"/>
Keyword_indonesia_id_card |
KTP Kartu Tanda Penduduk Nomor Induk Kependudukan |
Format: Country code (two letters) plus check digits (two digits) plus bban number (up to 30 characters)
Pattern must include all of the following:
Two-letter country code
Two check digits (followed by an optional space)
1-7 groups of four letters or digits (can be separated by spaces)
1-3 letters or digits
The format for each country is slightly different. The IBAN sensitive information type covers these 60 countries: ad, ae, al, at, az, ba, be, bg, bh, ch, cr, cy, cz, de, dk, do, ee, es, fi, fo, fr, gb, ge, gi, gl, gr, hr, hu, ie, il, is, it, kw, kz, lb, li, lt, lu, lv, mc, md, me, mk, mr, mt, mu, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, rs, sa, se, si, sk, sm, tn, tr, vg
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<Entity id="e7dc4711-11b7-4cb0-b88b-2c394a771f0e" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_iban" />
Keywords: None
Format: IPv4 or IPv6 address
IPv4: Complex pattern that accounts for formatted (periods) and unformatted (no periods) versions of the IPv4 addresses.
IPv6: Complex pattern that accounts for formatted IPv6 numbers (which include colons).
Checksum: No
For IPv4, a DLP policy is 95% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
For IPv6, a DLP policy is 95% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.
For IPv4, a DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.
For IPv6, a DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.
<Entity id="1daa4ad5-e2dd-4ca4-a788-54722c09efb2" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="95">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_ipv4_address" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ipaddress" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="95">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_ipv6_address" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ipaddress" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_ipv4_address" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ipaddress" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_ipv6_address" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ipaddress" />
Keyword_ipaddress |
ip address internet protocol IP-כתובת ה |
New format (1 January 2013 and later): Seven digits followed by two letters
Old format (31 December 2012 and earlier): Seven digits followed by 1-2 letters
New format (1 January 2013 and later)
Seven digits
A letter (not case sensitive) which is an alphabetic check digit
The letter "A" or "H" (not case sensitive)
Old format (31 December 2012 and earlier)
Seven digits
1-2 letters (not case sensitive)
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.One of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Ireland Personal Public Service (PPS) Number -->
<Entity id="1cdb674d-c19a-4fcf-9f4b-7f56cc87345a" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_ireland_pps"/>
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ireland_pps"/>
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_ireland_pps"/>
Keyword_ireland_pps |
Personal Public Service Number PPS Number PPS Num PPS No. PPS # PPS# PPSN Public Services Card Uimhir Phearsanta Seirbhíse Poiblí Uimh. PSP PSP |
Format: 13 digits
Two digits
A dash
Three digits
A dash
Eight digits
Unformatted: 13 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Israel Bank Account Number -->
<Entity id="7d08b2ff-a0b9-437f-957c-aeddbf9b2b25" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_israel_bank_account_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_israel_bank_account_number" />
Keyword_israel_bank_account_number |
Bank Account Number Bank Account Account Number מספר חשבון בנק |
Format: Nine digits
Pattern: Nine consecutive digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Israel National ID Number -->
<Entity id="e05881f5-1db1-418c-89aa-a3ac5c5277ee" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_israeli_national_id_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_Israel_National_ID" />
Keyword_Israel_National_ID |
מספר זהות National ID Number |
Format: A combination of 10 letters and digits
Pattern: A combination of 10 letters and digits:
One letter (not case sensitive)
The letter "A" or "V" (not case sensitive)
Seven letters (not case sensitive), digits, or the underscore character
One letter (not case sensitive)
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Italy Driver's license Number -->
<Entity id="97d6244f-9157-41bd-8e0c-9d669a5c4d71" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_italy_drivers_license_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_italy_drivers_license_number" />
Keyword_italy_drivers_license_number |
numero di patente di guida patente di guida |
Format: Seven or eight digits
Bank account number: Seven or eight digits
Bank account branch code:
Four digits
A space or dash (optional)
Three digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.One of the following is true:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Japan Bank Account Number -->
<Entity id="d354f95b-96ee-4b80-80bc-4377312b55bc" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Version minEngineVersion="15.01.0131.000">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_bank_account" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_bank_account" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Func_jp_bank_account_branch_code" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_bank_branch_code" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_bank_account" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_bank_account" />
Keyword_jp_bank_account | Keyword_jp_bank_branch_code |
Checking Account Number Checking Account Checking Account # Checking Acct Number Checking Acct # Checking Acct No. Checking Account No. Bank Account Number Bank Account Bank Account # Bank Acct Number Bank Acct # Bank Acct No. Bank Account No. Savings Account Number Savings Account Savings Account # Savings Acct Number Savings Acct # Savings Acct No. Savings Account No. Debit Account Number Debit Account Debit Account # Debit Acct Number Debit Acct # Debit Acct No. Debit Account No. 口座番号を当座預金口座の確認 #アカウントの確認、勘定番号の確認 #勘定の確認 勘定番号の確認 口座番号の確認 銀行口座番号 銀行口座 銀行口座# 銀行の勘定番号 銀行のacct# 銀行の勘定いいえ 銀行口座番号 普通預金口座番号 預金口座 貯蓄口座# 貯蓄勘定の数 貯蓄勘定# 貯蓄勘定番号 普通預金口座番号 引き落とし口座番号 口座番号 口座番号# デビットのacct番号 デビット勘定# デビットACCTの番号 デビット口座番号 |
Otemachi |
Format: 12 digits
Pattern: 12 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Japan Driver's License Number -->
<Entity id="c6011143-d087-451c-8313-7f6d4aed2270" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef ="Keyword_jp_drivers_license_number" />
Keyword_jp_drivers_license_number |
driver license drivers license driver's license drivers licenses driver's licenses driver licenses dl# dls# lic# lics# 運転免許証 運転免許 免許証 免許 運転免許証番号 運転免許番号 免許証番号 免許番号 運転免許証ナンバー 運転免許ナンバー 免許証ナンバー 運転免許証No. 運転免許No. 免許証No. 免許No. 運転免許証# 運転免許# 免許証# 免許# |
Format: Two letters followed by seven digits
Pattern: Two letters (not case sensitive) followed by seven digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Japan Passport Number -->
<Entity id="75177310-1a09-4613-bf6d-833aae3743f8" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_passport" />
Keyword_jp_passport |
パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート# |
Format: 11 digits
Pattern: 11 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Japan Resident Registration Number -->
<Entity id="01c1209b-6389-4faf-a5f8-3f7e13899652" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_resident_registration_number" />
<Match idRef ="Keyword_jp_resident_registration_number" />
Keyword_jp_resident_registration_number |
Resident Registration Number Resident Register Number Residents Basic Registry Number Resident Registration No. Resident Register No. Residents Basic Registry No. Basic Resident Register No. 住民登録番号、登録番号をレジデント 住民基本登録番号、登録番号 住民基本レジストリ番号を常駐 登録番号を常駐住民基本台帳登録番号 |
Format: 7-12 digits
Pattern: 7-12 digits:
Four digits
A hyphen (optional)
Six digits
7-12 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Japan Social Insurance Number -->
<Entity id="c840e719-0896-45bb-84fd-1ed5c95e45ff" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_sin" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_sin" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_jp_sin_pre_1997" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_jp_sin" />
Keyword_jp_sin |
Social Insurance No. Social Insurance Num Social Insurance Number 社会保険のテンキー 社会保険番号 |
Format: 12 digits containing optional hyphens
Pattern: 12 digits:
Six digits in the format YYMMDD, which are the date of birth
A dash (optional)
Two-letter place-of-birth code
A dash (optional)
Three random digits
One-digit gender code
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Malaysia ID Card Number -->
<Entity id="7f0e921c-9677-435b-aba2-bb8f1013c749" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_malaysia_id_card_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_malaysia_id_card_number" />
Keyword_malaysia_id_card_number |
MyKad Identity Card ID Card Identification Card Digital Application Card Kad Akuan Diri Kad Aplikasi Digital |
Format: 8-9 digits containing optional spaces
Pattern: 8-9 digits:
Three digits
A space (optional)
Three digits
A space (optional)
2-3 digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Netherlands Citizen's Service (BSN) Number -->
<Entity id="c5f54253-ef7e-44f6-a578-440ed67e946d" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_netherlands_bsn"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_netherlands_bsn"/>
<Match idRef="Func_eu_date"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_netherlands_bsn"/>
Keyword_netherlands_bsn |
Citizen service number BSN Burgerservicenummer Sofinummer Persoonsgebonden nummer Persoonsnummer |
Format: Three letters, a space (optional), and four digits
Pattern: Three letters (not case sensitive) a space (optional) four digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- New Zealand Health Number -->
<Entity id="2b71c1c8-d14e-4430-82dc-fd1ed6bf05c7" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_new_zealand_ministry_of_health_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_nz_terms" />
Keyword_nz_terms |
NHI New Zealand Health treatment |
Format: 11 digits
Pattern: 11 digits:
Six digits in the format DDMMYY that are the date of birth
Three-digit individual number
Two check digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Norway Identification Number -->
<Entity id="d4c8a798-e9f2-4bd3-9652-500d24080fc3" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_norway_id_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_norway_id_number"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_norway_id_number"/>
Keyword_norway_id_number |
Personal identification number Norwegian ID Number ID Number Identification Personnummer Fødselsnummer |
Format: 12 digits separated by hyphens
Pattern: 12 digits:
Four digits
A hyphen
Seven digits
A hyphen
One digit
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Philippines Unified Multi-Purpose ID number -->
<Entity id="019b39dd-8c25-4765-91a3-d9c6baf3c3b3" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_philippines_unified_id"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_philippines_id"/>
Keyword_philippines_id |
Unified Multi-Purpose ID UMID Identity Card Pinag-isang Multi-Layunin ID |
Format: Three letters and six digits
Pattern: Three letters (not case sensitive) followed by six digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Poland Identity Card-->
<Entity id="25E64989-ED5D-40CA-A939-6C14183BB7BF" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_polish_national_id" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_polish_national_id_passport_number" />
Keyword_polish_national_id_passport_number |
Nazwa i nr dowodu tożsamości Dowód Tożsamości dow. os. |
Format: 11 digits
Pattern: 11 consecutive digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Poland National ID (PESEL) -->
<Entity id="E3AAF206-4297-412F-9E06-BA8487E22456" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_pesel_identification_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_pesel_identification_number" />
Keyword_pesel_identification_number |
Format: Two letters and seven digits
Pattern: Two letters (not case sensitive) followed by seven digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Poland Passport Number -->
<Entity id="03937FB5-D2B6-4487-B61F-0F8BFF7C3517" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_polish_passport_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_polish_national_id_passport_number" />
Keyword_polish_national_id_passport_number |
Nazwa i nr dowodu tożsamości Dowód Tożsamości dow. os. |
Format: Eight digits
Pattern: Eight digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Portugal Citizen Card Number -->
<Entity id="91a7ece2-add4-4986-9a15-c84544d81ecd" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_portugal_citizen_card"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_portugal_citizen_card"/>
Keyword_portugal_citizen_card |
Citizen Card National ID Card CC Cartão de Cidadão Bilhete de Identidade |
Format: 10 digits
Pattern: 10 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Saudi Arabia National ID -->
<Entity id="8c5a0ba8-404a-41a3-8871-746aa21ee6c0" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_saudi_arabia_national_id" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_saudi_arabia_national_id" />
Keyword_saudi_arabia_national_id |
Identification Card I card number ID number الوطنية الهوية بطاقة رقم |
Format: Nine letters and digits
Pattern: Nine letters and digits:
The letter "F", "G", "S", or "T" (not case sensitive)
Seven digits
An alphabetic check digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Singapore National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) Number -->
<Entity id="cead390a-dd83-4856-9751-fb6dc98c34da" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_singapore_nric"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_singapore_nric"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_singapore_nric"/>
Keyword_singapore_nric |
National Registration Identity Card Identity Card Number NRIC IC Foreign Identification Number FIN 身份证 身份證 |
Format: 13 digits that may contain spaces
Pattern: 13 digits:
Six digits in the format YYMMDD, which are the date of birth
Four digits
A single-digit citizenship indicator
The digit "8" or "9"
One digit that is a checksum digit
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- South Africa Identification Number -->
<Entity id="e2adf7cb-8ea6-4048-a2ed-d89eb65f2780" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_south_africa_identification_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_south_africa_identification_number"/>
Keyword_south_africa_identification_number |
Identity card ID Identification |
Format: 13 digits containing a hyphen
Pattern: 13 digits:
Six digits in the format YYMMDD that are the date of birth
A hyphen
One digit determined by the century and gender
Four-digit region-of-birth code
One digit used to differentiate people for whom the preceding numbers are identical
A check digit.
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- South Korea Resident Registration Number -->
<Entity id="5b802e18-ba80-44c4-bc83-bf2ad36ae36a" recommendedConfidence="85" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_south_korea_resident_number"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_south_korea_resident_number"/>
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_south_korea_resident_number"/>
Keyword_south_korea_resident_number |
National ID card Citizen's Registration Number Jumin deungnok beonho RRN 주민등록번호 |
Format: 11-12 digits
Pattern: 11-12 digits:
Two digits
A forward slash (optional)
7-8 digits
A forward slash (optional)
Two digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Spain SSN -->
<Entity id="5df987c0-8eae-4bce-ace7-b316347f3070" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_spanish_social_security_number" />
Keywords: None
Format: 10 or 12 digits and an optional delimiter
Pattern: 10 or 12 digits and an optional delimiter:
2-4 digits (optional)
Six digits in date format YYMMDD
Delimiter of "-" or "+" (optional), plus
Four digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The checksum passes.
<!-- Sweden National ID -->
<Entity id="f69aaf40-79be-4fac-8f05-fd1910d272c8" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_swedish_national_identifier" />
Keywords: None
Format: Eight digits
Pattern: Eight consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.One of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Sweden Passport Number -->
<Entity id="ba4e7456-55a9-4d89-9140-c33673553526" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_sweden_passport_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_sweden_passport" />
Keyword_sweden_passport | Keyword_passport |
visa requirements Alien Registration Card Schengen visas Schengen visa Visa Processing Visa Type Single Entry Multiple Entry G3 Processing Fees |
Passport Number Passport No Passport # Passport# PassportID Passportno passport number パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート# Numéro de passeport Passeport n ° Passeport Non Passeport # Passeport# PasseportNon Passeportn ° |
Format: Four letters followed by 5-31 letters or digits
Pattern: Four letters followed by 5-31 letters or digits:
Four-letter bank code (not case sensitive)
An optional space
4-28 letters or digits (the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN))
An optional space
1-3 letters or digits (remainder of the BBAN)
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<Entity id="cb2ab58c-9cb8-4c81-baf8-a4e106791df4" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_swift" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_swift" />
Keyword_swift |
international organization for standardization 9362 iso 9362 iso9362 swift# swift code swift number swiftroutingnumber swift code swift number # swift routing number bic number bic code bic # bic# bank identifier code 標準化9362 迅速# SWIFTコード SWIFT番号 迅速なルーティング番号 BIC番号 BICコード 銀行識別コードのための国際組織 Organisation internationale de normalisation 9362 rapide # code SWIFT le numéro de swift swift numéro d'acheminement le numéro BIC # BIC code identificateur de banque |
Format: One letter (in English) followed by nine digits
Pattern: One letter (in English) followed by nine digits:
One letter (in English, not case sensitive)
The digit "1" or "2"
Eight digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- Taiwanese National ID -->
<Entity id="4C7BFC34-8DD1-421D-8FB7-6C6182C2AF03" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_taiwanese_national_id" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_taiwanese_national_id" />
Keyword_taiwanese_national_id |
身份證字號 身份證 身份證號碼 身份證號 身分證字號 身分證 身分證號碼 身份證號 身分證統一編號 國民身分證統一編號 簽名 蓋章 簽名或蓋章 簽章 |
Biometric passport number: Nine digits
Non-biometric passport number: Nine digits
Biometric passport number
The digit "3"
Eight digits
Non-biometric passport number: Nine digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Taiwan Passport Number -->
<Entity id="e7251cb4-4c2c-41df-963e-924eb3dae04a" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_taiwan_passport"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_taiwan_passport"/>
Keyword_taiwan_passport |
Taiwan passport number Passport number Passport no Passport Num Passport # 护照 中華民國護照 Zhōnghuá Mínguó hùzhào |
Format: 10 letters and digits
Pattern: 10 letters and digits:
Two letters (not case sensitive)
Eight digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- Taiwan Resident Certificate (ARC/TARC) -->
<Entity id="48269fec-05ea-46ea-b326-f5623a58c6e9" recommendedConfidence="75" patternsProximity="300">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_taiwan_resident_certificate"/>
<Match idRef="Keyword_taiwan_resident_certificate"/>
Keyword_taiwan_resident_certificate |
Resident Certificate Resident Cert Resident Cert. Identification card Alien Resident Certificate ARC Taiwan Area Resident Certificate TARC 居留證 外僑居留證 台灣地區居留證 |
Format: Combination of 18 letters and digits in the specified format
Pattern: 18 letters and digits:
Five letters (not case sensitive) or the digit "9" in place of a letter
One digit
Five digits in the date format DDMMY for date of birth
Two letters (not case sensitive) or the digit "9" in place of a letter
Five digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The checksum passes.
<!-- U.K. Driver's License Number -->
<Entity id="f93de4be-d94c-40df-a8be-461738047551" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_uk_drivers_license" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_drivers_license" />
Keyword_uk_drivers_license |
DVLA light vans quad bikes motor cars 125cc sidecar tricycles motorcycles photo card licence learner drivers licence holder licence holders driving licences driving licence dual control car |
Format: Two letters followed by 1-4 digits
Pattern: Two letters (not case sensitive) followed by 1-4 numbers
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- U.K. Electoral Number -->
<Entity id="a3eea206-dc0c-4f06-9e22-aa1be3059963" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_uk_electoral" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_electoral" />
Keyword_uk_electoral |
council nomination nomination form electoral register electoral roll |
Format: 10-17 digits separated by spaces
Pattern: 10-17 digits:
Either 3 or 10 digits
A space
Three digits
A space
Four digits
Checksum: Yes
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.One of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.
The checksum passes.
<!-- U.K. NHS Number -->
<Entity id="3192014e-2a16-44e9-aa69-4b20375c9a78" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="85">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_uk_nhs_number" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_nhs_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_nhs_number1" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_nhs_number_dob" />
Keyword_uk_nhs_number | Keyword_uk_nhs_number1 | Keyword_uk_nhs_number_dob |
national health service nhs health services authority health authority |
patient ID patient identification patient no patient number |
GP DOB D.O.B Date of Birth Birth Date |
Format: Nine letters and digits, with each pair of letters and digits optionally separated by spaces or dashes
Pattern: Nine letters and digits, with each pair of letters and digits optionally separated by spaces or dashes:
Two letters (not case sensitive), neither of which can be D, F, I, Q, U, or V. Additionally, the second letter can't be O. The following combinations are also not allowed: BG, GB, KN, NK, NT, TN, and ZZ.
Six digits
A space or dash (optional)
Two digits
A space or dash (optional)
Two digits
A space or dash (optional)
Two digits
One letter that can be A, B, C, D; or one space.
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.No keyword from
is found.
<!-- U.K. NINO -->
<Entity id="16c07343-c26f-49d2-a987-3daf717e94cc" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_uk_nino" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_nino" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_uk_nino" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_uk_nino" />
Keyword_uk_nino |
national insurance number national insurance contributions protection act insurance social security number insurance application medical application social insurance medical attention social security great britain insurance |
Format: Nine digits
Pattern: Nine consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<Entity id="178ec42a-18b4-47cc-85c7-d62c92fd67f8" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_usa_uk_passport" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_passport" />
Keyword_passport |
Passport Number Passport No Passport # Passport# PassportID Passportno passport number パスポート パスポート番号 パスポートのNum パスポート# Numéro de passeport Passeport n ° Passeport Non Passeport # Passeport# PasseportNon Passeportn ° |
Format: 4-17 digits
Pattern: 4-17 consecutive digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The regular expression
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.
<!-- U.S. Bank Account Number -->
<Entity id="a2ce32a8-f935-4bb6-8e96-2a5157672e2c" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Regex_usa_bank_account_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_usa_Bank_Account" />
Keyword_usa_Bank_Account |
Checking Account Number Checking Account Checking Account # Checking Acct Number Checking Acct # Checking Acct No. Checking Account No. Bank Account Number Bank Account # Bank Acct Number Bank Acct # Bank Acct No. Bank Account No. Savings Account Number Savings Account. Savings Account # Savings Acct Number Savings Acct # Savings Acct No. Savings Account No. Debit Account Number Debit Account Debit Account # Debit Acct Number Debit Acct # Debit Acct No. Debit Account No. |
Format: Depends on the state
Pattern: Depends on the state -- for example, New York:
Nine digits formatted like ddd ddd ddd will match
Nine digits like ddddddddd will not match.
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.A keyword from
is found.No keyword from
is found.
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_new_york_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_new_york_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_us_drivers_license" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_new_york_drivers_license_number" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_new_york_drivers_license_name" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_us_drivers_license_abbreviations" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Keyword_us_drivers_license" />
Keyword_us_drivers_license_abbreviations | Keyword_us_drivers_license | Keyword_[state_name]_drivers_license_name |
DriverLic DriverLics DriverLicense DriverLicenses Driver Lic Driver Lics Driver License Driver Licenses DriversLic DriversLics DriversLicense DriversLicenses Drivers Lic Drivers Lics Drivers License Drivers Licenses Driver'Lic Driver'Lics Driver'License Driver'Licenses Driver' Lic Driver' Lics Driver' License Driver' Licenses Driver'sLic Driver'sLics Driver'sLicense Driver'sLicenses Driver's Lic Driver's Lics Driver's License Driver's Licenses identification number identification numbers identification # ID card ID cards identification card identification cards DriverLic# DriverLics# DriverLicense# DriverLicenses# Driver Lic# Driver Lics# Driver License# Driver Licenses# DriversLic# DriversLics# DriversLicense# DriversLicenses# Drivers Lic# Drivers Lics# Drivers License# Drivers Licenses# Driver'Lic# Driver'Lics# Driver'License# Driver'Licenses# Driver' Lic# Driver' Lics# Driver' License# Driver' Licenses# Driver'sLic# Driver'sLics# Driver'sLicense# Driver'sLicenses# Driver's Lic# Driver's Lics# Driver's License# Driver's Licenses# ID card# ID cards# identification card# identification cards# |
State abbreviation (for example, "NY") State name (for example, "New York") |
Format: Nine digits that start with a "9" and contain a "7" or "8" as the fourth digit, optionally formatted with spaces or dashes
The digit "9"
Two digits
A space or dash
A "7" or "8"
A digit
A space, or dash
Four digits
The digit "9"
Two digits
A "7" or "8"
Five digits
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds an address in the right date format.The function
finds a date in the right date format.A keyword from
is found.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds an address in the right date format.The function
finds a date in the right date format.
<!-- U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) -->
<Entity id="e55e2a32-f92d-4985-a35d-a0b269eb687b" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_formatted_itin" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_itin" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_itin_collaborative" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_unformatted_itin" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_itin" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_itin_collaborative" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
Keyword_itin | Keyword_itin_collaborative |
taxpayer tax ID tax identification itin ssn tin social security tax payer itins taxid individual taxpayer |
License DL DOB Birthdate Birthday Date of Birth |
Format: Nine digits, which may be in a formatted or unformatted pattern
If issued before mid-2011, an SSN has strong formatting where certain parts of the number must fall within certain ranges to be valid (but there's no checksum).
Pattern: Four functions look for SSNs in four different patterns:
finds SSNs with pre-2011 strong formatting that are formatted with dashes or spaces (ddd-dd-dddd OR ddd dd dddd)Func_unformatted_ssn
finds SSNs with pre-2011 strong formatting that are unformatted as nine consecutive digits (ddddddddd)Func_randomized_formatted_ssn
finds post-2011 SSNs that are formatted with dashes or spaces (ddd-dd-dddd OR ddd dd dddd)Func_randomized_unformatted_ssn
finds post-2011 SSNs that are unformatted as nine consecutive digits (ddddddddd)
Checksum: No
A DLP policy is 85% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.The function
finds an address in the right date format.
A DLP policy is 75% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.At least one of the following is true:
The function
finds a date in the right date format.The function
finds an address in the right date format.
A DLP policy is 65% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.The function
does not find content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
A keyword from
is found.The function
finds a date in the right date format.The function
finds an address in the right date format.
A DLP policy is 55% confident that it's detected this type of sensitive information if, within a proximity of 300 characters:
The function
finds content that matches the pattern.A keyword from
is found.The function
does not find content that matches the pattern.At least one of the following is true:
The function
finds a date in the right date format.The function
finds an address in the right date format.
<!-- U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) -->
<Entity id="a44669fe-0d48-453d-a9b1-2cc83f2cba77" patternsProximity="300" recommendedConfidence="75">
<Pattern confidenceLevel="85">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ssn" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="75">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_unformatted_ssn" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="65">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_randomized_formatted_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Func_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Keyword_ssn" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
<Pattern confidenceLevel="55">
<IdMatch idRef="Func_randomized_unformatted_ssn" />
<Match idRef="Keyword_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="0" maxMatches="0">
<Match idRef="Func_unformatted_ssn" />
<Any minMatches="1">
<Match idRef="Func_us_date" />
<Match idRef="Func_us_address" />
Keyword_ssn |
Social Security Social Security# Soc Sec SSN SSNS SSN# SS# SSID |