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Microsoft.Activities Namespace


Updated: July 11, 2012

Provides classes that allow you to create and work with dynamic value related activities.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AddToDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An activity to add a key and value to a dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass BuildCollection<TValue>

An activity to build a collection.

System_CAPS_pubclass BuildDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An activity to build a dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass BuildDynamicValue

An activity to build a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass BuildUri

Represents an activity to build a URI.

System_CAPS_pubclass CacheContains

Represents an activity to determine if the cache contains a given item.

System_CAPS_pubclass CacheScope

System_CAPS_pubclass ClearDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An activity to clear a dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass ContainsDynamicValueProperty

An activity to check if a DynamicValue contains a particular property.

System_CAPS_pubclass CopyDynamicValue

An activity to copy a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass CountCollection<T>

An activity to count the number of items in a collection.

System_CAPS_pubclass CountDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An activity to count the number of items in a Dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass CountDynamicValueItems

An activity to count the number of child items in a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateDynamicValue

An activity to create a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateException<T>

An activity to create an Exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateException<T, TResult>

An activity to create an Exception.

System_CAPS_pubclass CreateUriFromDynamicValue

An activity to create a Uri from an input DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass DictionaryContains<TKey, TValue>

An activity to check if a dictionary contains a particular item.

System_CAPS_pubclass DynamicForEach<T>

An activity for executing activities over a collection with dynamic execution branches.

System_CAPS_pubclass DynamicValue

Represents a dynamic data structure for supporting nested sets of key-value pairs in workflow.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExternalVariable

A workflow variable used for modeling global state that can be externally queried even while the instance is persisted.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExternalVariable<T>

A workflow variable used for modeling global state that can be externally queried even while the instance is persisted.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExternalVariableReference<T>

An activity to retrieve the location reference of the external variable for use in the L-value of an expression.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExternalVariableValue<T>

An activity to retrieve the value of an external variable.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetCachedValue<T>

Represents an activity to retrieve a value from cache.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetConfigurationValue

An activity to retrieve a value from workflow configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetDictionaryValue<TKey, TValue>

An activity to retrieve the value of a particular dictionary entry.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetDynamicValueProperties

An activity to retrieve multiple properties from a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetDynamicValueProperty<T>

An activity to return a property from a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetInstanceAddress

An activity to return the address of the executing workflow instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetItemFromCollection<TItem>

An activity to get an item from a collection.

System_CAPS_pubclass GetODataProperties

Represents an activity to get OData properties.

System_CAPS_pubclass IsEmptyDynamicValue

An activity to determine if a DynamicValue is empty.

System_CAPS_pubclass LogToHistory

Represents an activity to log a message to history.

System_CAPS_pubclass ParseDynamicValue

Represents an activity to parse a JSON string into a DynamicValue.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoveCachedValue

Represents an activity to remove a value from the cache.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoveFromDictionary<TKey, TValue>

An activity to remove an item from a dictionary.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetCachedValue<T>

Represents an activity to set a value in the cache.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetDynamicValueProperties

Represents an activity to set a dynamic value.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetDynamicValueProperty

Represents an activity to set a dynamic value property.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetUserStatus

Represents an activity to set the UserStatus value of the instance.

System_CAPS_pubclass SplitKeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>

An activity to split the key and value out of a KeyValuePair.

System_CAPS_pubclass Suspend

Represents an activity to suspend.

System_CAPS_pubclass TryGetCachedValue<T>

Represents an activity to get a cached value.

System_CAPS_pubclass WorkflowInstanceResult

The result of a workflow instance's exeion.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum WorkflowInstanceStatus

The status of the workflow instance.

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