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Installing the AIPService PowerShell module

Use the following information to help you install the Windows PowerShell module for the protection service from Azure Information Protection. The name of this module is AIPService, and it replaces the previous version that was named AADRM.

You can use this PowerShell module to administer the protection service (Azure Rights Management) from the command line by using any Windows computer that has an internet connection and that meets the prerequisites listed in the next section. Windows PowerShell for Azure Information Protection supports scripting for automation or might be necessary for advanced configuration scenarios. For more information about the administration tasks and configurations that the module supports, see Administering protection from Azure Information Protection by using PowerShell.


This table lists the prerequisites to install and use the AIPService PowerShell module for the protection service from Azure Information Protection.

Requirement More information
Minimum version of Windows PowerShell Version 3.0

You can confirm the version of Windows PowerShell that you are running by typing $PSVersionTable in a PowerShell session. If you need to install a later version of Windows PowerShell, see Upgrading existing Windows PowerShell.

Note the AIPService PowerShell module only supports Windows PowerShell. PowerShell 7 is not supported.
Minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8

Note: This version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is included with the later operating systems, so you should need to manually install it only if your client operating system is less than Windows 8.0 or your server operating system is less than Windows Server 2012.

If the minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is not already installed, you can download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8. This minimum version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is required for some of the classes that the AIPService module uses.
Required license You must have a product license to use this feature. For more information, see Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance - Service Descriptions.

If you have the AADRM module installed

The AIPService module replaces the older module, AADRM. If you have the older module installed, uninstall it and then install the AIPService module.

The newer module has aliases to the cmdlet names in the older module so that any existing scripts will continue to work. However, plan to update these references before the old module falls out of support. Support for the AADRM module will end July 15, 2020.

If you installed the AADRM module from the PowerShell Gallery, to uninstall it, start a PowerShell session with the Run as Administrator option, and type:

Uninstall-Module -Name AADRM

If you installed the AADRM module with the Azure Rights Management Administration Tool, use Programs and Features to uninstall Windows Azure AD Rights Management Administration.

How to install the AIPService module

The AIPService module is on the PowerShell Gallery and is not available from the Microsoft Download Center.

If you're new to the PowerShell Gallery, see Get Started with the PowerShell Gallery. Follow the instructions for the gallery requirements, which include installing the PowerShellGet module and the NuGet provider.

To see details about the AIPService module on the PowerShell Gallery, visit the AIPService page.

To install the AIPService module, start a PowerShell session with the Run as Administrator option, and type:

Install-Module -Name AIPService

If you are warned about installing from an untrusted repository, you can press Y to confirm. Or, press N and configure the PowerShell Gallery as a trusted repository by using the command Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted and then rerun the command to install the AIPService module.

If you have a previous version of the AIPService module installed from the Gallery, update it to the latest by typing:

Update-Module -Name AIPService

Next steps

In a Windows PowerShell session, confirm the version of the installed module. This check is particularly important if you upgraded from an older version:

(Get-Module AIPService –ListAvailable).Version


If this command fails, first run Import-Module AIPService.

To see which cmdlets are available, type the following:

Get-Command -Module AIPService

Use the Get-Help <cmdlet_name> command to see the Help for a specific cmdlet, and use the -online parameter to see the latest help on the Microsoft documentation site. For example:

Get-Help Connect-AipService -online

For more information:

Before you can run any commands that configure the protection service, you must connect to the service by using the Connect-AipService cmdlet.

When you have finished running your configuration commands, as a best practice, disconnect from the service by using the Disconnect-AipService cmdlet. If you do not disconnect, the connection is automatically disconnected after a period of inactivity. Because of the automatic disconnection behavior, you might find that you need to occasionally reconnect in a PowerShell session.


If the protection service is not yet activated, you can do this after you have connected to the service, by using the Enable-AipService cmdlet.