Supported scenarios for installing different versions of Office, Project, and Visio on the same computer
In many cases, you can install Office, Project, and Visio on the same computer. However, there are some combinations of Office, Project, and Visio that can't be installed together.
The two main factors that determine compatibility are the version of the product and the installation technology. The following rules govern compatibility:
You can't install two products with the same version but different installation technologies.
You can't install two products of different versions if both use Click-to-Run and have overlapping Office applications.
The following table lists supported Office releases, their versions, and installation technology. This information applies to Project and Visio as well.
Office release
Installation technologies
Microsoft 365
Office Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) 2024
Office LTSC 2021
Office 2021
Office 2019
Office 2016
Click-to-Run, Windows Installer (MSI)
Find this version information in Control Panel > Programs and Features or in an app’s About dialog, for example, File > Account > About Word. For more information, see Find details for other versions of Office.
Microsoft 365, Office LTSC 2024, Office LTSC 2021, Office 2021, Office 2019, and Office 2016 share the same version number: 16.0.
Office 2013, which is no longer supported, had version 15.0.
Office 2010, also unsupported, had version 14.0 and used Windows Installer (MSI).
Installation technologies used by Office
Office, Project, and Visio can be purchased through a Microsoft 365 plan, as a one-time purchase, or via a volume licensing agreement. The purchase method and Office version—such as Microsoft 365 or Office 2016—determine the installation technology used.
There are two types of installation technology covered here:
Windows Installer (MSI)
To check the installation technology in newer releases, go to File > Account in an Office app and look under Product Information.
You can also identify a Click-to-Run installation by the presence of Update Options in Product Information. If Update Options isn't shown, the installation uses Windows Installer (MSI).
Example installation scenarios
Here are some example installation scenarios with explanations for whether they're supported.
Products to install
Microsoft 365 Apps + Visio LTSC Professional 2024 (volume licensed)
Yes, with a caveat1
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Microsoft 365 Apps + Project Standard 2024 (retail)
Yes, with a caveat1
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Microsoft 365 Apps + Visio LTSC Professional 2021 (volume licensed)
Yes, with a caveat2
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Microsoft 365 Apps + Project Standard 2021 (retail)
Yes, with a caveat2
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Microsoft 365 Apps + Project Professional 2019 (volume licensed)
Yes, with a caveat3
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Microsoft 365 Apps + Visio Standard 2019 (retail)
Yes, with a caveat3
Both use Click-to-Run and are the same version (16.0).
Office Professional Plus 2019 (volume licensed) + Visio Professional 2016 (volume licensed)
1 Requires Version 2408 of Microsoft 365 Apps or later for compatibility with Project 2024, Visio LTSC 2024, and Visio 2024. 2 Requires Version 2108 of Microsoft 365 Apps or later for compatibility with Project 2021, Visio LTSC 2021, and Visio 2021. 3 Requires Version 1808 of Microsoft 365 Apps or later for compatibility with Office 2019 products.
Additional information
All installed products must match in bit (32-bit or 64-bit) version. For example, you can't install a 32-bit version of Visio on the same computer with a 64-bit version of Office.
Volume licensed versions of Office LTSC 2024, Office LTSC 2021, and Office 2019 use Click-to-Run, while Office 2016 uses Windows Installer (MSI).
Products installed on the same computer must use the same update channel. For example, the volume licensed version of Office Professional Plus 2019 can only use the PerpetualVL2019 update channel.
Volume licensed Project and Visio installations must be configured to use the same update channel as Microsoft 365 Apps.
Only subscription versions of Project and Visio receive regular feature updates; volume licensed versions don't.