VMQ should be enabled on VMQ-capable physical network adapters bound to an external virtual switch

Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016

For more information about best practices and scans, see Run Best Practices Analyzer Scans and Manage Scan Results.

Property Details
Operating System Windows Server 2016
Product/Feature Hyper-V
Severity Warning
Category Configuration

In the following sections, italics indicates UI text that appears in the Best Practices Analyzer tool for this issue.


The following network adapters are capable of virtual machine queue (VMQ) but the capability is disabled.


Windows is unable to take full advantage of available hardware offloads on the following network adapters:

<list of network adapters>


Enable VMQ using the Enable-NetAdapterVmq Windows PowerShell cmdlet or using the Advanced Properties user interface for the network adapter.