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Troubleshooting Web Browsers and Client Programs (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)

I get a Web component error when I view a Web page

Some older Web components may not work correctly on servers running Windows SharePoint Services. Ask your server administrator to update these components by using Web Parts that are supported on servers running Windows SharePoint Services. A Web component error can also be caused by using an unsupported version of Microsoft Office FrontPage to author components for a server running Windows SharePoint Services. Web components from older versions of FrontPage are no longer supported on Windows SharePoint Services. Delete the Web component, and then use Office FrontPage 2003 to add the Web component to the page.

I get an error message that the required program may not be installed properly

You may have set up the required program to be installed on first use. Run the program so that it is fully installed on your hard disk, and then try using the feature again.

My Web site looks wrong and some features are not working

Web sites based on Windows SharePoint Services work best with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Navigator 6.2 or later, installed on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 2000 or later. If you are using another Web browser or operating system, some pages may not display properly, and some features may not work.

I received the message "You need to be authenticated to access this page"

Verify that you are using a Web browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later. When using some browsers, such as Netscape Navigator, the server must use Basic Authentication to allow viewing the site. For more information, see "About authentications methods" in Windows SharePoint Services Help.

I get an error message when I try to import a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet

  • Was the spreadsheet saved with interactivity?   Windows SharePoint Services cannot import spreadsheets that were saved with interactivity. Try saving the spreadsheet again, without interactivity. To save a spreadsheet without interactivity, do the following:

    1. In Excel, on the File menu, click Save as Web Page.

    2. Click Republish: Sheet, and then clear the Add interactivity check box.

    3. Click Save.

  • Are you trying to import a shared workbook?   Windows SharePoint Services cannot import shared workbooks. To turn off sharing, do the following:

    1. In Excel, on the Tools menu, click Shared Workbook.

    2. On the Editing tab, clear the Allow changes by more than one user at the same time check box.

    3. Click OK.


      To import a spreadsheet you must a member of the Web Designer site group or a site group that has the Add and Customize Pages right.

I can't open a document library file in my application

  • Are you an anonymous user (not a member of a site group)?   Even though the site may allow anonymous users to view the file in a Web browser, you must be a member of a site group with the View Lists right to open the file in an application, and you must be a member of a site group with the Edit Items right to edit the file. See your site administrator for more information.

  • Are you a member of a site group?   The site group that you belong to must have the View Lists right to open the file in an application. You must be a member of a site group with the Edit Items right to edit the file. See your site administrator for more information.

I can't add or edit an item in a datasheet view

This problem can occur when you are an anonymous user (not a member of a site group). Even though the site may allow anonymous users to add or edit the page in a standard view, you must be a member of a site group with the Add Items and Edit Items rights to add or edit a list item in a datasheet view. See your site administrator for more information.

I want to edit a document in a document library, but I have Microsoft Office 2000 or earlier

Do the following:

  1. Click the hyperlink to open the document or save it to your hard disk.

  2. Edit the document.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you are using Office 2000, on the File menu, click Save as to save the file with its original name to the document library. This will overwrite the original file.

    • If you are using an earlier version of Office, save the file to your hard disk, and, on the page that displays the document library, click Upload Document to copy the file to the document library. Select the Overwrite existing file(s) check box if you want to overwrite the original file.


      To add a file to document library, you must a member of the Contributor site group or a site group that has the Add Items right.

I can no longer run document library rules

The document library rules feature is available only on servers running SharePoint Team Services v1.0 from Microsoft. If your site has been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services, you will be unable to run document library rules.