Browsing Options

On this page of the Windows® Internet Explorer® Customization Wizard 8, you can select options for managing items that are installed under Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds. Choices that you make on this page affect the items that you added on the Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds page.

Microsoft has provided items in Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds by default. On this page you can choose which of those defaults you want to include as part of your custom package.

Item Details

Delete existing items under Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds

If you are a corporate administrator, you can select this option to delete the items on the users' Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds lists. This option removes the links and favorites that your users set up; use it with caution.

Only delete the items created by the administrator

This option only deletes the items on your users' Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds lists that you set up for them. It does not remove the links and favorites that your users set up.

Don’t delete any items

No items will be deleted. Links, Web Slices, feeds, and Accelerators will be added to the users’ items at the top of the list in the order specified on the Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds screen.

Do not add Microsoft default

You can specify if you do not want to add Microsoft® default links, Web Slices, feeds, and Accelerators that would be installed under Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds. You can control which groups of Microsoft default links are installed on your user’s computer.

Additional references

  • For more information about this stage of the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 8, see Customizing the Browser.