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Event Review: Windows Server 2003 SP1 Technical Overview (Session TNT1-151)

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Session Outline

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is the latest server operating system from Microsoft. Windows Server 2003 builds on the security, reliability, and performance improvements implemented in previous operation systems. Organizations deploying and utilizing Windows Server 2003 need these improvements to progress as their networks develop and network usage evolves with new technologies. Organizations also need to protect themselves from an increasing variety of network and computer attacks. Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 includes enhancements and updates to security technologies already implemented in Windows Server 2003. The technology enhancements provide a more secure environment with increased reliability and performance. Upgrading to Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 will enable organizations to continue moving toward more secure and reliable operational environments. This session looks at Service Pack 1 features, configuration tools, system security enhancements, network security enhancements, and deployment options.

Microsoft Press Books

Third-Party Books

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Unleashed, 2nd Edition

    Summary: Get a fresh perspective on planning, designing, implementing, and migrating to a Windows Server 2003 environment. The authors rely on their experience from several large client implementations to compile best practices, installation and migration tips and tricks, performance optimization techniques, configuration tuning, and server management techniques.

  • The Ultimate Windows Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide

    Summary: Windows Server 2003, the successor to Windows 2000 and Windows NT, accommodates the seamless exchange of information through Web services. It delivers the increased flexibility and power needed to administer networks as global entities, but its enhanced management tools and security features present as many challenges as opportunities. This book helps readers negotiate these challenges while taking advantage of the opportunities.

  • Inside Windows Server 2003

    Summary: This book contains comprehensive information on deploying, managing, and troubleshooting systems using both Windows Server 2003 and its predecessor. Each chapter contains a lively feature description followed by extensively illustrated procedures for setting up and managing each service.

  • Inside Active Directory: A System Administrator's Guide

    Summary: This book helps provide a solid understanding of Active Directory fundamentals. It demonstrates how Active Directory can store and access data and how it uses industry standards such as LDAP. Numerous diagrams and tables explain the sometimes complex technologies involved in migrating to Windows 2000 from Windows NT or other platforms.